Broken Dreams

by compound complex 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I AM ADRIFT, WITHOUT RUDDER, in a sea of broken dreams.

    My mind descends into a tangle of seaweed, which pulls my

    Hapless frame downward into a black and sinister realm that

    Holds its jailed without pity, with scant hope of future release.

    I do love the land and all her beauty but fear the sea; I'm no

    Fool who'd put life and limb at peril in search of new worlds.

    Alone in my thoughts, I roam dread shores of lands whose

    Roiling, uncharted waters of soul and spirit would swallow

    Me alive, in death's throes victorious, but for assurance that

    One day all hopes be fulfilled, all fears put eternally to rest.

  • jp1692

    One day, yes. One day.

    Till then: May courage fill our hearts and conviction empower our souls.

    Ne’er again will I allow another to command me.

    I am the captain of my soul. I recognize no one as superior to me. No one.

    I will stand tall; I will be free.

    I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, jp, for such a heartening declaration of "who I am."


  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Aye, the sea in its fury can be a frightening thing. On my first voyage from San Francisco to Yokosuka, Japan in February 1961, the hurricane bow of AF-59 was plowing into the enormous waves as the ship heaved and yawed, expansion joints screeching and complaining loudly, I was literally on my knees with seasickness for 16 days, depression such as I've never again felt.

    But the Albatross who followed us were with us all the way. The wind and the waves couldn't deter them from their journey with us. What an amazing sight to see them each day in such foul weather.

    Thankfully, after a day or two in the calmness of port my sea-legs asserted themselves. I was again alive!

  • zeb

    Press on, press on

    Oh ship of state

    thy dawn hath come

    'twere not to late.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    What an amazing story, Old Navy.

    It reminds me of my dad at sea, in the Pacific Theater, at an earlier time --WWII.



    Inspiring words!

    Thank you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The sea is my mother, my father the sky.

    Both are eternal and vast, each in their way. As I rise slowly yet inexorably from Mother's protective embrace, I reach towards Father, life giver, mentor. He draws me up as spiraling vapor that is phantom-like but possessing true substance.

    Under the aegis of Sky, I harness my chariot to Sister Wind and travel Earth's four corners, showering my bounty upon her children. They laud me, they thank me. However, I look upward towards Father, downward towards Mother. It is their approbation I seek. It is they who have given life and continued existence.

    Praise must be directed accordingly . . .

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Everyday she watched the ocean mesmerized by it's rippling motion

    without it she could not be brave it's spell was like a theta wave

    dream on oh woman by the sea like flowers on an orchid tree

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    That is cool, Nancy!

    Thank you!

  • zeb

    cc. thank you too. Its from HW Longfellow.

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