Explaining politics to a JW.......

by Makaveli 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makaveli

    Is like explaining gravity to a 4 year old.

    They have their heads so buried in the sand its soooo frustrating ...

    Why do they act like politics doesn't matter ?

    ...Hello, nice to be here, btw.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    They are so pleasantly unencumbered with the current events of this world, because they are awaiting their spiritual government and can't be bothered. They are taught to believe not to become involved with, nor be overly concerned with, the governments of this system. The "sheeple" will be led into the spiritual paradise no matter what happens in this "current system of things." Kaplooey!

    Oh.. welcome to the board! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


  • SanFranciscoJim
    They are so pleasantly unencumbered with the current events of this world, because they are awaiting their spiritual government and can't be bothered.

    That's what the Governing Body wants them to believe, but if you go over to http://www.jwzone.org/forums/ and click on the "Briefing Room" forum, there are some politically-based threads going on. While most of the comments are of a milquetoast nature (probably because the board is so heavily moderated to keep people from getting the "wrong" idea about JWs), it's not difficult to read between the lines and see that individuals within the organization are becoming more and more concerned with the political atmosphere, and I doubt it has much to do with the supposed imminence of Armageddon. Of course, these are JWs who are also internet-savvy, and read things other than their sacred cow, the Watchtower.

  • invictus

    hi and welcome to the forum,

    it is true what you said, but with my jw friends, who were from Eastern Europe, were had so many discussions about the politics and some very heated debates that I often wondered how could they call themselves witnesses.after a while I started to be very careful about commenting on events from that part of the world just to avoid being drawn into endless political debates.

    guess witnesses come in all shapes and sizes.


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