Happy Martin Luther Day!

by Valis 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Valis

    Not King, but Martin Luther..Happy Halloween everyone...knock knock ...or pound pound...trick or treat or perhaps 95 thesis if you prefer? Which is better? The protestant reformation of a bag of burning dog poop on your front door?


    District Overbeer of the "In A Fiesty Mood" class

  • mizpah

    Martin Luther was one of the great Reformers. But he had his dark side too. He rebelled against the Catholic hierarchy because of its corruption and intolerance. But then he aligned himself with the German princes and established his own religious kingdom. He really did prove to be the "bag of dog poop" that the pope stepped on.

    Like many Europeans of his day, he was an extreme anti-semite. And when the peasants rose up to throw off the burdensome yoke of their rulers inspired by Luther's position against the church, Luther was quick to denounce and to condemn them in the strongest terms of the day. Luther rejoiced when the Peasants Revolt failed and many of them slaughtered.

    He was a complex man with a good and bad nature. But this was true of the other Reformers too.

    There has always been the question of whether he actually did nail the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenburg church.

  • Valis

    miz...I was waiting for someone to notice...*LOL* At least I didn't kill my own thread...*LOL* I am interested in seeing the new movie about Martin Luther.


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You know what I really admire about him was the courage it took to stand up to the police with all those fire hoses, march from Birmingham just to nail the 95 thesis on the church door and then to gave that rousing "I Have a Dream" speech. No wonder they were inspired to start the Lutheran religion.

  • Valis

    *LOL* I started this thread cuz my roommate, the good catholic and philosopher he is, was talking about Martin Luther, as a side not to our conversation, and how the 31st was the day the feces...I mean thesis hit the fan as it were...and a reason why some old school catholics still don't celebrate halloween.


    District Overbeer

  • mizpah


    Yes, I am anxious to see the new movie about Martin Luther, too. Currently, I'm reading about the Reformers. Like Luther, others (Zwingli and Calvin) turned around and persecuted and killed other Protestants who disagreed with their teachings. The Anabaptists were particular targets of these men.

    It reminds one of the Watchtower organization that encourages new people to question their religion. But once one becomes a Jehovah's Witness he is disfellowshipped and shunned if he expresses doubts or questions any doctrines of the Watchtower Society, particularly the one about the "faithful and discreet slave."

  • BornAgainGirl!

    I saw the movie. I thought it was good!

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I thought the movie was good too! Has anyone read any of Luthers' books? I think "Bondage of the will" was a pretty good one.

    D Dog

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