Jesus was the prodigal son

by cellomould 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cellomould

    Perhaps this will not be printed in the WT anytime soon, but think about it.

    Look at the parallels between the behavior of the brother in the parable and the behavior of Jesus' real siblings.

    Jesus was accused of associating with 'tax collectors and sinners'.

    He once saved a woman from being stoned by an angry mob for 'adultery'.

    He was also criticized for allowing a woman, probably of 'ill repute', to pour expensive oil over him and cry at his feet.

    Jesus was the prodigal son...

    ...and a feminist.


  • SixofNine

    Is this some sort of passive aggresive outcry at the election outcome? Hey cello, good to see you.

  • cellomould

    Hey 6 o'!

    Actually, that's been heavy on my mind the past couple of days.

    Since I hate being passive aggressive, let me explain my views on the recall election: Arnold is a supreme ASSHOLE! There is a difference between being a charmer and being a sexual predator...but people refuse to see this.

    Anyhow, what's your take on the feminist nature of Jesus?

  • mizpah


    I think saying Jesus was the "prodigal son" is stretching the point a little. The prodigal son took the father's inheritance and squandered it. Jesus did not. The son lived a profligate life until poverty and misery drove him back to his father. Jesus never did. The account of Jesus and the adulteress is probably not part of the original gospel, but a later addition.

    It's also a "stretch" to call Jesus a "feminist." As a good Jew he would have obeyed the Jewish laws and traditions which divided the responsibilities of men and women into roles which are unacceptable by the modern "feminists" of today.

  • avengers

    Am I seeing things the wrong way or what?

    In my understanding "prodigal" is derived from prodigy. Isn't a prodigy a highly gifted child?
    Someone who squanders isn't very highly gifted though.

    Or am I wrong. Probably like almost always.



  • mizpah


    Get thee to the dictionary...haha

    Prodigal from Latin "prodigere" meaning to drive away, squander.

    Prodigy from Latin "prodigium" meaning prophetic sign, marvel.

  • TheSilence

    If you are interested in reading a book that touches on Jesus' feminism along with secret societies, etc a great read is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The story itself is fiction, but the facts and such it is based on are not. A very interesting read.


  • avengers

    ok. thanks. Think I'll have a couple of these and a couple of those. Maybe that will clear my head


  • Satanus


    Why not? Jesus left his family group and they thought he was nuts. He hung out w the lowlifes. People can claim that he didn't take money from his family and squander it, but they can't prove it. Was he not the oldest (remember that they oldest, the first born, got the bigger inheritance)? Was he not homeless, a street person, basically, unless people took him in?


  • ClassAvenger

    It is better to be said that Jesus is the Father who forgived his son. He forgived everyone and in his forgiveness towards people we can see God's love in full blaze.

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