Why the fascination with death and paradise, What are the older ones like ?

by run dont walk 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Isn't this all the JW religion is about, nobody wants to die, just live forever.

    What did you notice about the older ones in your congregation, did you find them content in their older days, or scared to death of death and fear.

    If the JW religion was so right, why would older ones near death be so scared, as opposed to welcomeing it and be happy for what was to come.(paradise)

    Personally I noticed the older and more limited a person got, the more cranky, complained, criticized they became, my family is a perfect example, my mom does nothing but complain, feel guilty about everything and is the most UNHAPPIEST person their is.

    I told her if this is how you feel, how can you say the JW religion is right ???

    any thoughts or experiences ...............

  • Nosferatu

    I noticed that the older ones get quite cranky and complain that noone from the congregation ever comes to visit them or offers to pick them up for the meetings. When they're away from the meetings, noone calls them up to encourage them. I think the older ones REALLY start to see the "love" when they have trouble making all the meetings due to physical deterioration.

  • garybuss

    The promised reward of the paradise earth is pictured with people gardening or building houses or petting lions and picking flowers. None of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's descriptions of the paradise and none of the pictures they present of the promised land shows people doing door to door literature sales or proselytizing on dirty street corners or sitting for hours on end at religious meetings.

    They're promised a future of not having to do what they have to do now and do not really enjoy, or really even like. Their reward for doing what they do now, is not having to do what they do now.

    Old and bitter? Oh yeah! Unhappy? For sure! In the first place what would the Witnesses have to offer a healthy, happy person? What do they have to offer a rational person? Not a thing. So is has to be that the Witness people who stay into old age are unhealthy, unhappy, irrational people who didn't die.

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