wrong, from start to finish, yes, wrong: the wt anointed anecdote.

by waton 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton

    The supposed start: At the last supper, the anointed were identified by partaking. wrong

    wrong start: the only anointed present, Jesus Christ, did not partake. All those with an earthly hope did.

    The wrong future end: The last anointed, of the overlapping generation, will go to heaven, pass away, before the great tribulation, before the separation of the sheep and goats, before Armageddon, way before the end: wrong

    wrong: Jesus in Math 24:34: " This generation will not pass away--

    so: what is wrong with wt's view?

    to start: Rightful partakers were, and are not only the wt's "anointed",

    to finish: the wt's "anointed overlappers", can not be "This generation--" because it would have to survive the end, (like the sheep that enter everlasting life.) and wt's anointed do not.

    How can there be a happy ending for wt believers, if the hope is wrong from start to finish?

    Not endorcing only pointing out.

  • Fairlane

    We are talking here of 2000 yrs between scenarios the only bit i would base a comment with evidence is....the watchtower peddle bullshit hoping the gullible will bite .... more fools those who do .

  • waton
    We are talking here of 2000 yrs between scenarios.

    Fairlane: Yes, we do, but theses two wrong ends bracket the big elephant in wt's doctrine, the billions that partook during those 2000 years. According to wt they were wrong too.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The book that declares a snake talks promises everlasting life. You have your answer about who's anointed.

  • sir82

    Not endorcing only pointing out.

    Picking apart the errors and inconsistencies in WTS doctrine is the epitome of shooting fish in a barrel.

  • waton
    The book that declares a snake talks promises everlasting life. You have your answer about who's anointed.

    waeo: yes you could expand the "wrong" start to finish" to Gen. 1:1 --No, the Earth was not created in the beginning and to end at Rev 22:20, : Yes, I am coming quickly".not. showing the lack of inspired knowledge, but this wt anointed idea error, is totally of their making. destroying any hope of any of their promises' fulfillment.

    Picking apart the errors and inconsistencies in WTS doctrine is the epitome of shooting fish in a barrel.

    sir82: son of a gun to do that, zeroing in, aiming at details

  • waton
    shooting fish in a barrel.

    actually by using the 4 end scriptural fact above, you would have wt & its' defenders over a barrel. That is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. and, when you are finished with them, shot down their arguments , be deserving to do a symbolic barrel victory roll.

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