You have to join to know 4 sure!

by biblexaminer 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • biblexaminer

    Is the Watchtower Society a CULT?

    As the title says, You have to join to know 4 sure!

    But, suffice it to say that the living experience of ones like myself, who are right now embroiled in the JW way of life, is a good place to start to understand -if you rather not find out the hard way.

    Ten years ago, the WTS wasn't what one finds it to be today. It was no better mind you, it was still the land off poisoned cotton-candy. But today, the characteristics of a "cult" can be found ever more than in the past. And this is in ever increasing quantity.

    When I look at the examples of dangerous cults of the modern era, one paticular facet of a group makes the defining feature. That is CONTROL.

    Control, over every facet of a person's life, seems to me to be the defining factor. And this is abundant, more so with each passing day.

    There seems to be a growing thirst for it on the part of the leadership, right on down to the elder bodies. Right now, the elders are going around asking publishers, in an off the cuff sort of way,"SO brother, did you get your reservaton made for the convention time? Or they might start by inquiring if you had any trouble getting the time off.

    The point is, they are polling the members to make sure that everyone is going. This, as a result of the fact that more and more want to attend less and less. And they know it!

    So, they are turning up the heat, putting pressure on the R&F so that they will feel the elders breath on the backs of their necks. And this is just one of the things you will be subjected to if you join this high control group.

    Is the WTS a cult? I am in it. I want out.

    What do you think?

  • patio34

    Ah-h BibleExaminer, Your words take me back. Remembering those interminable times when we had to go over the detailed instructions from the Borg of how to comport ourselves at the Conventions, make arrangments, don't forget to wear your badge at all times, leave good tips at restaurants, don't dress too casually (on your own time), ad nausaeum.

    And you want out? You seem very unappreciative to me of all the spiritual food at the feast table!

    Ha-ha-ho-ho! Well, as my ex-husband, ex-marine used to say "I don't see an anchor tied to your ass!" Excuse the rough language.

    But, when you stop and think of it, it can be very hard or very easy. It's our attitude that counts.

    Another thing, how about getting indignant at those who would shun US??! The nerve! Harumph!

    Good luck--we're all rootin' for ya!!!


    P.S. And to quote one of their own prophets: "Religion is a snare and a racket." But, what the heck, it's a living.

  • Francois

    I think if you want out, you turn your back and walk out, and remember:

    You can't be walked on unless you lie down first!

    So stand up on your own two feet and walk out. No one is stopping you but you.

    As for increased control as a response to decreased attendence - the tighter the Borg squeezes, the more people will reject them until there's nothing left. And then the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses will fade into history like all the other oppressive cults just like them that were going to last a "thousand years" like their spiritual brothers, the Nazis. The use of fear as a motivator is beneath the dignity of even the lowest concept of God.

    And Good Luck. You know we're here for you if you need us. Those of us to whom you can post direct are surely willing to give you all the support we know how. And Lord knows there's plenty of experience for you to draw on.

    Best Regards,

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