The worst idea in the world

by Bugbear 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bugbear

    Now I´ve been thinking …(a very rare occupation for my brain) And the question is :

    What could be the very worst/dangerous/harmful thought in our head?

    Could it be that we are more beautiful / stronger / smarter / faster than the rest of our human brothers or sisters?

    Or, could it be that we believe that we have a direct contact with God. That God tell us what is right or wrong. That we have understood the will of God and are able to interpret the will of God from an ancient scripture:

    If so, we also feel the need of informing the rest of humanity what God want them to do. And since we have the right from God, we can also punish those who doesn´t agree.

    I think the very Idea (in our head) that we are with God (In God we trust), is the very base for most of all the killing, bullying, raping, terrorism, war, nonsense believes (ghosts-spirits-demons, immortal souls), a.s.f.

    This Idea (God tells me), is the reason for us humans living in this chaos.

    What do you think?

  • JeffT
    I think God is only one aspect of the problem. In my book, anybody who thinks he knows how every one ought to think and act, and sets out to beat them into thinking and acting that way, is dangerous, at best.
  • Bugbear


    Yes, I think that narcissim, sociopathy, and other mental dissorders, are empowered by the by the Idea that God is with me.

  • Chook

    How about the idea that you are God.Bible says God forgives sins 7 apostles say elder forgive

  • Bugbear


    The idea that I am God, has occured a few times. But The ones that got that idea are very easily disclosured, they simply cannot perform the miracles that goes along with beeing God!

  • Chook

    Big Tony Morris has done miracles already he communicates with Jah directly. Secret batphone , it's just Tony only talks English , Tony hasn't told me what language Jah speaks,or if he gets angry does he swear

  • Xanthippe

    The worst idea in the world, that the world needs cleansing of a certain race, of anyone who isn't a certain race, a certain religion, of the 'wicked', of anyone who isn't like us.

  • Bugbear

    Xanthippe (socrates wife?)

    Agree with you. But religious people do believe that they "have the knowledge to separate good from evil" God tells them....

  • Phizzy

    " I think I'll Vote for Trump".

  • Bugbear


    Yaha He looks selfconfident

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