Creepy "Caleb & Sofia" Dolls On eBay

by pale.emperor 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pale.emperor

    So I'm on eBay looking for old JW books and I see this crap...

    I think some cheap person has taken poundland dolls, put kids clothes on them and have the cheek to flog them for $73.60 (plus shipping).

    For one, they look nothing like them. And two, how creepy are these?!!!

  • ToesUp

    Caleb looks like the Shoney's Big Boy! lol Creepy!!!

    Must be some weird JW trying to make money off of the JW robots.

  • joe134cd

    Anything for a buck.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Notice the seller is "service buddies ".

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    If they are really called Caleb and Sophia with a reference to JW, I'd send an email to legal dept. at HQ.

    It's fun to see JW take down JW, and JW legal dept better spend their time and effort on other JW than on apostates and leakers.

    And HQ knows they have to go after them, or next time they charge a next Darkspilver they're gonna be challenged for not really protecting their copyrights.

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