God Bless America

by GabeAthouse 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • GabeAthouse
  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Why should He? What have we done for Him lately?

  • Anony Mous
  • GabeAthouse

    @Anony Mous

    Lol, I could see that one coming when I first looked at the graph. But seriously, what makes you think giving more people access to affordable insurance would bring down average life expectancy? Why aren't Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy and France flatlining?

  • Simon
    what makes you think giving more people access to affordable insurance would bring down average life expectancy?

    It didn't, so it doesn't.

    Like most things, the name on the tin is the exact opposite of what it was - it didn't make anything more affordable.

    In fact, the government mandated that healthcare providers implement various electronic records which have been an expensive catastrophe of catastrophic proportions.

    The US spends more on the "healthcare industry" than ever before, but that extra money isn't going on patient care, it's feeding the various parasites devouring the host.

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