Be careful about which card you try and remove!

by stuckinarut2 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    The belief system of Witness has often been well described as a "house of cards"....seemingly stable, yet fragile at the same time.

    As we try to awaken our loved ones, we may share certain topics and issues...trying to remove a card or two from the tower of cards.

    Sometimes in our eagerness, we try and remove some key hot topic...or a card or two at the base of the tower.

    That can be very destructive and cause loved ones to act defensive or protective of their beliefs (the society). They may dig in their heels.

    Rather, success comes from carefully and casually removing smaller cards from the top of the tower....then allowing them to even remove them for themselves!

    As keen as we are to just bulldoze them down, take it slowly and carefully.

    Show Dignity, Poise and Grace....and PATIENCE...

  • JWdaughter

    I think people going into it with a attitude that there is no God or that Jesus is this or that or that Christianity is this or that are going to get the same kind of walls as if they were trying to break down the Watchtower organization itself because faith and Christianity is still their Foundation so I think that someone coming up there with "all believers are idiots" attitude is not going to get very far with a Jehovah's Witness and any kind of conversation I think somebody questioning things, even things about faith or things about Jesus respectfully, even if you don't feel respect for them is important because otherwise they they will at least mentally plug their ears up and start saying blah blah blah blah blah blah blah because they can't hear you so I agree with the original poster here. That's not even a Cult response that is a human response because nobody can have a rational conversation when they are under attack like that even in the movies. They might be able to come back with a different attack but there's no communication going on.

    So I would hope that if you want to have a conversation that you keep it in a tone that can remain conversational, rather than confrontational.

  • kairos


    Still plugging away

  • waton

    The stability of your marriage might in part be due to your "believing" mate being in "fear of the Lord," or the prying eyes of the elders. do not remove that strong incentive to remain faithful to your marriage. and

    In the 1940s, we played a stick came called "Mikado" the object was to remove these skewer type thins from a random pile, one at a time, without moving any other. would be nice if any jws would be exposed to that kind of removing their delusions one by one until the bare real life is left.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I agree with you, Stuckinarut2, and am constantly trying to think of the topics that I could use, especially since when talking to a JW, there is usually a limited amount of time.

    What do you think are good ways to do this, seeing as you have recently just awoken?

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I have spoken to two different JWs.... one 50 + old sister from my old congregation, who asked how I was doing, and a 19/20 year old brother who recognized me from "the circuit" .... he was a greeter, at WalMart.... so... he was kind of captive, hehe...

    The approach I took with both of them was, "I have always loved justice, and truth, and morality.... My husband was DFd for testifying & telling the truth in a child sex abuse case.... I don't like hypocrisy, I can't support it..... I saw the ARC testimony from the branch, the service desk, the legal desk and Geoffrey Jackson (infamous GB) and their answers were not candid... I cannot support lying. The first sin in the Bible was "lying".....

    That was the boiled down version of it.....

    What do you think?

  • stuckinarut2

    Brilliant ChaChing!

    Yes, it is EXACTLY because we value truth and honesty that we left!

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