Profitable association?

by link 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • link

    Many here are dedicated to the demise of the WBTS– but has anyone ever given any thought to the large number of people who are not interested in the Tower or its religion but have a vested interested in keeping it alive and well?

    You will have been told many times that nobody makes a penny from the religion but is this true?

    What about the teams of lawyers who defend the Tower against all sorts of wrongdoing? What about the teams of investment managers handling millions of £ / $ of investments on a regular basis? What about the accounts firms that are needed to move the cash between the numerous Watchtower companies and corporations and try and keep some sort of track of it?

    What about the contract to supply £42 million of printing presses? They did not come free and someone made a profit on the deal, even if it was only the shareholders.

    Are we supposed to believe that everyone who works for these outfits is a dedicated and baptised Witness who devotes all his time and attention to the affairs of the Society free gratis and for nothing?

    That is just too much to believe. There must be large numbers of non-Witnesses making vast sums from the Societies operations and they will therefore do all in their power to keep it going for as long as possible.

    In the absence of any evidence to the contrary we have to accept that no Witnesse’s are making a financial gain out of the Societies operations but as has been pointed out previously, you don’t have to be a millionaire to live like one.

    Obviously the WBTS, like any other business or religion, could not exist without creating gainful employment for someone. So why this insistence that nobody makes a profit from it?

    There must be countless other small companies such as travel agents etc. who would not want to see the Tower fall. Can you add to the list?


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