Ghost Hauntings in Churches?

by Prisca 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    First off, I don't intend for this thread to be a debate about people who believe in ghosts, or whether ghosts really exist. This is just a question about reported sightings/stories about ghosts.

    Last night I had a dream where I was in a church that was haunted by a ghost. Although the concept probably isn't totally impossible, it is something that I hadn't heard of before.

    Has anyone ever heard of a church being haunted by a ghost? You would presume that a supposed house of God would be immune from such things, but you never know.

  • joannadandy

    I dunno about churches, but I have heard plenty of stories about haunted monastairies.

    Apparently Grey Friars is very haunted, and they give haunted tours. I've always wanted to go.

  • Shakita

    Well, the only "ghost" I have ever seen was in a photograph of a long dead relative from long ago.

    see it above my great great great grandfather's shoulder? I have blown up this picture and there is no explanation as to why the face is on the outside of the window, because if the person was inside the window looking out, the panes would be on her image...and they are not.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Has anyone ever heard of a church being haunted by a ghost? You would presume that a supposed house of God would be immune from such things, but you never know.

    Type the words "church ghost haunting" into Google (without the quotation marks), and you will see many incidences of church hauntings.

    I'd like to hear a story about a haunted Kingdom Hall myself.

  • Prisca

    SFJim, good point. I wrote this from work, and so at the moment I dont have the luxury of going through Google searches just yet. I thought I'd quickly write up this thread to get everyone's thoughts before the majority of the board participants go to bed.

  • rekless

    I don't know about churches, but I was visting my bro who lived in a house where this lady was murdered and about 1am the kitchen cabinet doors started slamming and it scared the hell out of me. I told my brother about what happened and he said, "Oh, that is Helen our friendly ghost. She got mad when she found out you and Brenda was coming. She resides in the dinning room where Brenda is sleeping." Then I saw a figure move from the bedroom accoss the hall to my brother's bedroom and he said,"Yes, she roams from bedroom to bedroom." HE and his wife told us that they were not afraid of her because she kind of offered a calming atmoshere in the house. I also talked to my nices about what I saw and they said, "Oh that is Helen." They also told the same story. That slamming of the doors sure scared me. dan

  • Dimples

    Hey everyone,

    Check this out. I found it interesting.


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