Why don't jw's have buses or vans?

by Dimples 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dimples

    I was just wondering why jw's don't have buses or vans to pick up those in need of rides to the KH. Mostly all of the churches have buses or vans that pick up ones in need of rides to their services. JW's don't and it isn't like they can't afford it. When I was a jw and needed a ride I always had to call and ask someone to take me and my two children to meetings. ( My husband was never a jw, SMART MAN ). I always felt like I was begging because you could always tell in their voice when someone didn't want to take you, and it made me very uncomfortable. I once had a shepparding call on meeting attendance and they told me it was MY Responsiblilty to get to the meetings. I guess they expected me to walk with my two children, like in some of the experiences that come from the platform. I asked them the same question and their answer was because they didn't need it, the brothers would provide for each other. Yeah Right!!! What do you think the real reason is?


  • little witch
    little witch

    Short version,

    because their aim is to maximize profit, and not to care for peoples well being.

  • blondie

    I was given 2 reasons (please don't kill the messenger).

    1. It would remove the opportunity/joy/privilege from the brothers and sisters to give rides to those needing one.

    2. The insurance would be prohibitive and the time and effort needed to organize and maintain such an arrangement would take time away from the real goal....the preaching work.


  • freedom96

    I remember for a while there was an sister that was picked up every weekend for the meeting from her home for the elderly. She had suffered a stroke, and really had no clue what was going on or why she was at the meeting.

    There was a brother who had a van, who was given the task of picking her up every time. What a chore it was, for one brother. Funny, now that I think about it, he is no longer in.

    Really, when one thinks about it, the witnesses do very little to help others. They talk about being a group that loves one another. Well, bullsh**.

    So many other religions do in fact make it possible to be picked up by their bus and even use that bus for social activities. They care, and they many times do have the Christian spirit.

  • Maverick

    Because their cheap! Maverick

  • Odrade

    I knew a sister who had to take the metro call bus to the meetings because no one would pick her up. Then she had to beg rides home from the meeting every week. If the call bus already was scheduled, she just missed the meeting, and oh well.

  • SadElder

    Oh Please! A WT bus not on your life. The WT organization is the abominable NO orgaization. NO association, NO parties, NO congregation picnics, NO ball games, NO congregation sponsored anything except Door-to-Door work. NO NO NO. Just stay home and read the WT publications. Ted Jaracz the head of the Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept) actually accosted two sisters on the streets outside of Bethel and told them you are not supposed to visit Bethel wearing jeans. The were visiting some folks who lived in the area and told him so. If that had been my daughter he would have reallly had some trouble, I'd of had my nice Jewish barracuda attorney sue him and the WT for anything and everything. Just for the hell of it.

    Of course there are some of us who do things for other people just because, and we also enjoy doing things and the stuffed shirts better stay out of our way or they are going to get stomped. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity.

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    I have found that many people who give other people rides in their cars do so not out of what one may describe as godly love but out of organizational responsibility to do it. What I mean is, sure they will smile and say yes when someone wants a ride but they don't like doing it and complain a lot about how they have to do this for that person and so on.

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