Crazy Landladies and family feud

by Sadie5 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    Our oldest son who is married and out of the house, became friends with another guy about his age.

    Son's friend lived in a house that was owned by his parents, who lived next door. Friend's Dad lost his job and got another job several states away where he would be for three years.

    Friend suggested that parents rent their home to our son, since they were such good friends. Parents said ok, would rent the place for the price of their house payment, would leave all utilities in their name so neither our son or them would have to pay deposits and fees.Son pays all bills and rent on time. Parents left various personal items and furniture there because they didn't want to haul everything.

    We strongly suggested to our son that he get everything in writing, but he said that wasn't needed, cause everyone was friends.

    Everything went fine for a year, then friend starts having problem with parents. Parents finally tell their son to get out. This was right after the wife gave birth to their second child. So friend's inlaws help the couple to get a house, paying the down payment for them. Friend asks son to help him pack and move, which he does.

    Friend's mother shows up for a visit. She tells our son that he and his wife can continue living there but they are having both properties appraised and the rent will be raised, said he can move into her son's house if he wants to because that will be cheaper. Brings a guy with her who is now the property manager, tells the guy that son and his wife are good tenants.

    A couple of days later, friend is picking up some stuff he left at the house he was living in. Gets into an arguement with his mother. Mother pulls out a gun from her handbag. He leaves his stuff there and gets out of there. Friend call our son to tell him about his mother.

    The next day mother show up at our son's home, hands our daughter in law a letter and leaves without saying anything. It is a letter that her attorney has written saying they are evicted. They have to be out by Oct. 20. And she is shutting off all utilities on Wed Sept 24. They have to put everything in their names or they won't have lights and water. She already shut off the Satellite TV service even though our son paid to have it on.

    It will cost our son about $300.00 to get all the utilities in his name. It seems stupid to demand someone put everything in their name when they have to leave in a month, and have been keeping all bills paid. Plus he'll need the money for deposits wherever they move to. Is he obligated to pay the rent October 1, since she already gave him an eviction notice? Should he pay just part of it, deducting for the days he won't be there as well as payments for bills he paid ahead on(like the Satellite TV)?

    I don't know what our son is going to do, I know it is best he get out of there, it looks like he is caught in the middle of a family feud.

    Wondering how this will turn out, and thinking our home might be a little crowded for a time.


  • blondie

    Sadie5, quite an illustration for "get it in writing." Of course, even then it would have been a hassle. Pulled a gun from her purse, eh? Wow!

    Also shows you think know people and then you find out how little you "really" know.


  • Sadie5

    Thanks blondie for the reply. I personally think this woman has gone off the deep end and I told my son she needs to be on medication. Nobody in their right mind pulls a gun on their own child, unless they are crazy. I think also she is punishing my son and his wife because they are friends with her son.

    Her son should have called the cops, but he didn't. Guess he thought it was too hard to have your own mother arrested. and she could have said she was defending herself on her own property.

    It's a mess and I'll be glad when our son and daughter-inlaw are out of there.


  • Elsewhere

    Regarding the rent issue... I would pro-rate the rent. Divide the number of days in october (31) into the rent amount, and then multipy that by the number of days he will actually be in the house.

    Screw the utilites bit... if she starts turning things off, then move out ASAP and pro-rate the rent based on the moveout date.

  • Sadie5

    thanks for the advise, Elsewhere.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    "Everything in writing" applies to *both* sides, my dear. <smiles weakly>

    If there is no written contract, it would seem that your son is not required to honor "anything" since there is no contract to honor. Sure, there is vocal agreement, and your son paying the rent and utilities on time.. but really, there is no contract stating the conditions for moving out, paying deposit, how many days' notice, or anything like that. I am not a lawyer, of course, but it seems if she can dishonor their verbal agreement, he can dishonor it, too.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    "Everything in writing" applies to *both* sides, my dear. <smiles weakly>

    If there is no written contract, it would seem that your son is not required to honor "anything" since there is no contract to honor. Sure, there is vocal agreement, and your son paying the rent and utilities on time.. but really, there is no contract stating the conditions for moving out, paying deposit, how many days' notice, or anything like that. I am not a lawyer, of course, but it seems if she can dishonor their verbal agreement, he can dishonor it, too.


  • JeffT

    See a lawyer. Most will give you a few minutes for free to explain your legal options. I don't know what the laws are where you live, but here in Washington, this would be a huge can of worms in court.

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