
by Researchedandenlightened 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Researchedandenlightened
  • jhine

    I notice that the Watchtower article says that even if a report is TRUE it should not be spread about . The spokesperson , using WT double speak at the end says that people could get caught up with reports that are NOT VERIFIED . Two different things . Let's hope that the public catch that .


  • defender of truth
  • LevelThePlayingField
    I loved it that the news articles are putting Watchtower articles right in their stories now to show how crazy the WT really is. That's awesome.
  • Vidiot

    jhine - "...I notice that the Watchtower article says that even if a report is TRUE it should not be spread about..."

    This suggests to me that the WT leadership is, deep down, f**king terrified that the R&F will figure out it's not "God's Earthly Organization".


    Know what it reminds me of?

    An anecdote about an elder who stated from the platform that "...even if a court plaintiff's grievance and testimony were true, it would fail..." specifically for that reason (paraphrasing, but that's the gist).

  • punkofnice
    A Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman said The Watchtower advice was offering “helpful principles” and added:
    “With so much information out there, people can quickly get caught up with information that’s not verified.”

    I wonder what bright spark this watchtarded pillock is?

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