by josephus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    Hi all

    I have been thinking back this week on life growing up as a jw, and i remember the constant unceasing parade of apocalyptic images to enjoy. the magazines with missiles on the covers telling us about certain war with russia, and how we would be dead 70 times over. the BIG clock and its countdown to midnight, and thus destruction.

    i remember being told a million times i wouldnt see 25, im 28 now. being told it wasnt important to get an education in "this world" as it would be gone soon.

    now im not blaming then for all the failings of my life, but what could i have acomplished with encouragement ? what could we all have done ? i missed 87 days in my last year at school, WHY ? to go out on service more !!!!!! after all i was gonna be a pioneer and pursue "spirtual goals!"

    i remember being told at an assembly, maybe 6 years ago. "if your studying to be a doctor, your wasting your time, as you wont be needed soon". THIS WAS THE PUBLIC TALK!!! Imagine the legacy of harm that has been done to peoples lives without thought.

    i took career advice from window cleaners, and salesmen. im now a window cleaner ! im happy, but i could be more. and i know men and women so smart that have wasted their lives propping up a publishing company.

    it amazes me how gullible i was, but im glad im out now. in future nobody take advantage of me like that again


  • RunningMan

    Yep. At one recent circuit assembly, the speaker said that Armageddon was no longer just around the corner - it was right in front of us.

  • Bendrr

    Josephus I remember the "doomsday clock" very well. Back in the 80's it was, what, 3 minutes to midnight? That used to scare the hell out of me, knowing that thousands of nukes were pointed in this direction and could wipe us out at any moment with only a half-hour notice.


  • frenchbabyface

    now ... "bveuuu"
    Sounds better anyway now for you

  • shamus
    i took career advice from window cleaners, and salesmen. im now a window cleaner

    Me too. Me too. The money is good, but really consider going back to school, saving your money, and making something of yourself.

    I cannot stress this enough. I am 33 and in that boat... wish that I was 28.

    Window cleaning is really good money.... but is it something that you really want to do when you're 70? Will you enjoy it that much? Probably not.

    Go back to school, upgrade, and get an education during the off season. Work your schedule around school. Immerse yourself in learning and smash your TV set. Keep your internet, though.... You'll be a happier person if you take my advice and do something that you really love.

  • DanTheMan

    I don't know about you guys,

    but I'm bracing myself for -

    We interrupt this program to bring you some breaking news. The details are sketchy, but apparently there has been an incredible explosion in the Miami (or San Francisco, or Boston, or wherever) area. While we can't say for sure, it does appear to be almost certain that the explosion was quite probably of a nuclear device. As you can see from this footage, the entire downtown has been completely leveled, thousands of lives have certainly been lost...

    President Bush has been notified and is in an undisclosed location...

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