Part 3- Finale- Settlement Meeting with Circuit Overseer

by Randy M. 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Randy M.
    Randy M.
    This is the Finale of my meeting with Watchtower's Circuit Overseer Henry Turner in an attempt to reach a settlement agreement with some kind of resolution . If you watched the 1st 2 parts you will need to see this because it is in my opinion the best part. I have also included more still shots of the players so that it will be easier to follow.

    I even get to show this Circuit Overseer some verses.
  • JWdaughter
    Right or wrong, it is easy to see how people are discouraged from reporting to proper authorities.
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    It is quite sad to hear this, I feel so sorry for you. We have had the same thing happen to us, tho not to that extent. A brother did not fulfill his contract, delivered nothing, and we lost quite a bit of money.

    Did we go to court? no.... I really wish we had.

    What that man said to you was quite pitiful, turning it back on you each time, "Now, how do you think Jehovah feels about you?" He sounds just like the WT, "Why did you believe in 1975?"

    I am so glad that you stuck to your guns, and realized that taking "your brother" (is he really a 'brother' when he slanders, robs, etc) to court. Quite relieved, actually...

    Morals and scriptures mean nothing when the good person gets robbed.

    Thank you for sharing, I am glad the WT is having to pay for it's errors, and their warped way of dealing with people is getting exposed.

  • FadeToBlack

    I didn't see parts 1 and 2, but from listening to part 3, I see what the problem is. You , are trying to be reasonable while staying inside the guidelines of the WTS. The elders and whoever else are involved are not equipped to deal with it, so they seek the easy way out.

    That means, getting the more compliant, less bothersome party to agree to give it up (of course for JHVH's name because apparently he can't take care of himself). They can't handle the sociopaths, so they take the easy route. I've been thru this a few times myself. At the moment, my wife is dealing with this in her congregation where some (4) families bought some property but one of them is trying to get it all for himself. It has caused a civil war in the congregation with everyone taking ill-informed sides.

    She said the WT study has turned into a battle ground where everyone is making comments, trying to apply the information to their point of view. I warned her about getting called into the back room, but she doesn't care.

    Do what is right and let the cards fall where they will. Good luck.

  • C0ntr013r
    That ending prayer thou... Disgusting!!

    Full of agenda and manipulation
  • Listener
    The CO can't think for himself. The manipulation is sickening. This is the kind of guy that they reckon will be appointed a prince after Armageddon. If this is how he thinks problems should be sorted it would be comical to see the mess they create.

    The CO is just a more deluded Eldumb. He's not smarter or more "spiritually mature" or loving, or caring, or tolerant, or enlightened. His talks are scripts from HQ! He wants to turn in congregation statistics and do as little work as possible. He also secretly despises the lunch that you make for him!! 😈

    Lazy sycophants who don't want to sweat in "Satan's world" are prime candidates for positions of authority in the WTBTS. Just check out the GB and their "helpers" with their shiny watches and cuff-links that glitter in the high-def camera!!


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