If you sense a ghost, it could be this

by Soledad 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    http://channels.netscape.com/ns/atplay/package.jsp?name=fte/ghosts/ghosts The police headquarters in Shelbyville, Kentucky is a spooky place--and not just for criminals. Doors rattle in the dead of the night when no one is around. Stairwells creak at all hours. In broad daylight desk drawers open on their own. One city worker reported feeling something grab her leg when she was taking a tour of the building late one night. All of which has prompted the Shelbyville police to call in the experts--ghostbusters.Instead, they should check out new research from the National Physical Laboratory in England where scientists think spooky occurrences like this aren't the work of ghosts, but rather the result of a very low frequency sound that is inaudible to humans.

    It's called infrasound. And it's an extreme bass.

    Elephants use infrasound to communicate over long distances or as weapons to repel foes. We human beings may not be able to hear it, but we can feel it. Generated by natural phenomena, such as storms, seasonal winds, weather patterns, and some types of earthquakes, infrasound can produce a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow, and chills.

    The study: Richard Lord, an acoustic scientist at the National Physical Laboratory in England, and Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in southern England, produced infrasound using a pipe that measured 7.5 yards long. They tested it on 750 people who were attending a concert in London. The audience heard four contemporary pieces of live music. Some of these were laced with infrasound. Afterwards, audience members were asked to describe their reactions to the music.

    The results: The audience did not know which pieces included infrasound and were not able to consciously detect the infrasound, but fully 22 percent reported unusual experiences when it was present in the music. These included feelings of unease or sorrow, chills down the spine, or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear.

    "Some scientists have suggested that this level of sound may be present at some allegedly haunted sites and so cause people to have odd sensations that they attribute to a ghost," Wiseman told Reuters. "Our findings support these ideas."

    The research results were presented to the British Association science conference.

  • freedom96

    Interesting, however, I lived with a ghost for 10 years. They do exist, I saw it, and heard it. So did the rest of my JW family.

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