Penn and Teller BULLS**T!

by drwtsn32 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • drwtsn32

    Has anyone seen this series on Showtime? A friend recently gave me a CD full of episodes he downloaded. I'm tempted to get Showtime just for this series!!

    It is incredibly funny and exposes the BS in various topics. Here's a list of episodes:

    About the show:

    Veteran producer Mark Wolper, Executive Producer Star Price and renowned master showmen Penn & Teller deliver a high-octane, weird, wacky, entertaining journey through some bizarre territory that no one else is brave enough to touch, with this Showtime "no limits" reality series.

    By their own admission, Penn & Teller have been dying to do a show like this. Confirmed skeptics and pro-science atheists (they refer to God as "an imaginary friend"), these magicians are big fans of the art of debunking.

    Whether demonstrating how history's most perplexing magic acts are performed in their sell-out Las Vegas show and TV specials, or producing their own series that pulls the wool off the public's eyes, Penn & Teller's mission is to expose the truth to an otherwise desperate and gullible public.

    In Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, the crusaders utilize principles of magic and trickery, as well as good old fashioned "hidden camera" sting operations, to smoke out these nonsense peddlers and reveal how they operate.

    They also call upon the scientific community for back-up. Penn & Teller have discovered that the evidence debunking bogus operatives exists in countless books, scientific papers and government-sponsored exposés - research that nobody else has presented to the public with such zeal, passion, and conviction.

    As our increasingly anti-intellectual, anti-science culture moves on each day to new crackpot subject matters, Penn & Teller are there to aggressively shoot down whack-jobs and fuzzy thinkers, no matter where they originate.

    Their attitude of serious, sober contemplation can be summed up in this quote about their current Las Vegas stage program: "We have been doing magic together for 25 years and are so sick of it we could spit. So, in the new show, we are moving into the field of religion and will be performing real miracles!"

    No matter how popular a form of bullshit is - and regardless of what deep pockets or beloved figures support it - Penn & Teller are pit bulls for the truth, poised to tear down these myths in the most jaw-dropping fashion possible with their trademark wit and off-center comic sensibilities.

    Beware faux miracle workers, yogis, dervishes, televangelists, zealots and cult leaders. Penn & Teller have you in their cross-hairs with a new series that strives to spark controversy, headlines and water cooler fisticuffs!

    I just wanted to share my new-found joy...
  • StinkyPantz

    They is funny!

  • talesin
    We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States

    This sounds really funny, also I love to see people exposing bulls**t; however, since I'm just Canadian, here's what I got from Showtime's link.

    oh well (sigh)

    btw, Michael Moore will have a new TV show this season. I'm sure he'll be revealing a few truths in a humorous fashion.


  • Elsewhere

    Oh wow! I'm tempted to get showtime just to watch that too! Hmmm... while I'm at it, I might as well get Sci-Fi so I can watch SG1 too!

  • heathen

    I always like pen tellers kind of magic and humor .

    elsewhere--- The sg1 show is a good show but you only need basic cable for the sci-fi channel .

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