by Blueblades 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    So the Lord God said to the SERPENT:"Because you have done this,you are cursed more than all cattle,and more than every beast of the field;On your belly you shall go,and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. ( Gen:3:14 ).

    The cattle and all the rest of creation were cursed as a result of Adam and Eve's eating,but the SERPENT was uniquely cursed by being made to slither on its belly.It probably had legs before this curse.Now SNAKES represent all that is odious,disgusting, and low.They are branded with infamy and avoided with fear.

    Help me understand this.God curses a PHYSICAL SERPENT !! So, now all Snakes are changed physically to crawl on their belly and eat dust because of what a spirit creature did to them,by using a snake to deceive Eve.

    The cattle and all creation are suffering because of an invisible cunning ,deceitful,spirit creature who had the upper hand on this weak,seducible woman.

    In no court of law,when a woman is seduced is she held accountable.Her seducer is usually punished not her.Nor are the pets she owns i.e.the animals in the garden,punished.

    What in the world did the physical snake do ,also the cattle and beast,do to God to warrant so much suffering,taking from a beautiful garden to a cold and survival of the fittest eat each other environment,and for the animals to ultimately get eating by man?

    And I used to believe this!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    naaaahhh....BB, I betcha it was more 'n likely Adam's ol' "one-eyed-snake" that he "ventriloquized" to play "head games" with Eve....dat wascaly wabbit....which is why Eve is said to have been "deceived"....but I doubt very seriously that anything they did actually cursed the animals....if ANY of it's to be taken seriously...

    Frannie B (of the Visit Smiley Central!Class)

  • shotgun

    Adam stepped in a cow patty while walking through the Garden with God which caused him to curse...That's how the cattle got cursed..I'm not sure about the beasts of the field.

    And it could have been alot worse for the snakes which were cursed to crawl on thier bellies...have you ever tried crawling on your that's a curse.

    Also I think originally Satan had taken the form of a woodpecker in that fateful tree but Eve always laughed at him.

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