New Insight Into The Aposta-Ministry

by smurfette 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • smurfette

    Is there anything you have learned from this site about Jehovah's Witnesses that despite having been one you did not know before?

    For me it was the 1975 issue. I had been raised on tales of "Brothers and Sisters" led astray by their own wishful thinking that the world was going to end in 1975. My family joined in 1980 and bought this retoric lock stock and barrel. I had been out of the borg for years (borg is another cool thing I have learned on this site) and already had a laundry list of "issues" with their beliefs and behaviors but I had not realized how complicated and pivotal 1975 really was to the JW's. Was it not for those who have posted on this site I would not have known the "Truth" on this matter and would have continued to believe 1975 was no big deal.


    Hi Smurfette, geez...where do I begin?

    Well to keep it short and sweet, having been out of the organization for almost 20 years, there were things I was simply not aware of in the years post leaving the JWs.

    But as I have been now on-line a few years, I have slowly investigated some of those old doctrine/policy issues. Surfing the net for a few years, and finding this/that and the other thing.

    When I got to Simon's site, January this year. The links, and vast wealth of information and articles practically overwhelmed me. There were a few minor things I heard about over the years, but because I was no longer a JW, how was I to know? So the net initially helped, but Simon's site is so comprehensive and excellent for its ability of members to exchange and share information, I feel like I have been validated on so many issues. Too many to mention here.

    One other addendum: coming here, has also brought out the best in me too! It has had a calming effect, and I have made many new friends.

    The 'this generation' doctrine, some of the blood issues, 1935, and so many more....

    Good post, and I'm glad you are on the freer side of the JWs.

  • smurfette

    Rayzor- The "This Generation" new info was new to me too. I shared that with every ex-dub I know after learning about it here. My bro. was the most blown away by it and I think he's going to try to get a conversation started with my Ma about that next time they talk. Should be interesting at any rate. I also have been calmed by this site. It's amazing what talking with people who've been where you've been can do for the soul.


  • doodle-v

    i learned tons...... but the biggest thing for me was that the society has allowed blood fractions and has never made that clear to the rank and file and WTBTS' NGO status with the UN


    Regular Wine-eer

  • nowisee

    hi smurfette,

    i'm glad the board has helped you.

    as for me, i have been out for about 27 years (i left in l976 -- funny you should mention the l975 issue).

    i had not come in contact with any exjws until feb of this year, so you can imagine the eye-openers that were in store for me. some have already been mentioned, but aside from specific doctrinal points, what has impressed me is the wts being consistently more and more mind-controlling, more an more cultlike, more an more insistent on no questions or questioning, more and more like the pharisees.

    i have clearly come to see that they are a false prophet.

    i wish you well, smurfette. i hope you find your way.

    best wishes, nowisee

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