Yes Verginia, Jehovah's Witness's are a Cult !!!!

by Pepper 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pepper

    "Jehovah's Christian Witness"

    Copyright 1994 by David A. Reed, used with permission:

    "Because it is implemented much more slowly than in many other cults, the Watchtower Society's program of mind control often goes unrecognized, except by experts. But it shares basic elements with other 'brainwashing' programs: (1) repetitive instruction, with books, magazines, and meetings all hammering home the same information, (2) new members told to break ties with outside friends and limit fellowship with non-member relatives, (3) a ban on reading critical works, (4) denunciation and shunning of ex-members, (5) verbal attacks undermining the authority of all outside institutions - religious, educational, medical, governmental, (6) a unique vocabulary with "loaded" language reinforcing the sect's rules, and (7) an orchestrated superiority/inferiority-guilt complex. Former members who have not been deprogrammed commonly report problems with anxiety, fear, and disorientation, as well as difficulty reintegrating in society at large." Pepper

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    I'm reading Steven Hassan's book, "Realeasing the Bonds", to get insight on how to get my wife out.

    The identifying characteristics that you cited Pepper are similar to Steve's B.I.T.E. model. It's based on psychologist Leon Festinger's [who is the author of the book, "When Prophesy Fails"] cognitive dissonance theory which shows that cults seek out to control a persons Behaviour, Thoughts, and Emotions.

    Steve expanded the theory to include controlling the Information that a person can receive, hence the B.I.T.E. model, Behaviour, Information, Thoughts, and Emotions.

    Steve was a Moonie at one point, and an educated and successful Moonie at that. As I read the book I am finding that the parallels of the Moonie's and other cults methods of control so similar to the JW's it is giving me chills.

    Steve also promotes a new approach to releasing loved ones from cults called Strategic Interaction Approach. It looks very promising for getting my wife out of this cult.

    One thing that is encouraging to me is a list of reasons of why we can rescue a loved one out of a cult. I never asked for permission to reproduce the list, so I will summarize what the points of the list were.

    Basically, a person is never under 100% mind control because ALL people want to be free and to know the truth of a matter. If you can setup a group of people who your loved can trust, the person will be rescued eventually, it's only a matter of time because cults are predictable and their predictions never come true. Plus change and growth within a person are inevitable, so the chances are favorable for rescuing a person if you go about it in a systematic and loving manner.

    Still reading it, but it is really good. If you want to rescue a loved one from the JW's, I'd strongly encourage one to get this book through Randy Watter's web site. It's given me a game plan, direction and hope of rescuing my wife.


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