Place Those Books and Magazines!! Now!!

by Inkie 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inkie

    Just another quote for ya'll's enjoyment:

    The Watchtower, July 1, 1943, ppg. 204-06 - "Righteous Requirements"

    "The call to action going forth to the Lord's people throughout the earth at this time is a righteous call, and action is a righteous requirement. This call to action the Lord's people have received particularly since October 1938. In 1938, the Lord through The Watchtower presented indisputable scriptural proof establishing the fact that Jehovah is the Great Theocrat, that Christ Jesus is his anointed king, and that in 1918 the king came to his temple class composed of the consecrated, spirit-begotten and anointed members of his body...

    "There is only one organization on earth today fulfilling the righteous requirements outlined in this commission from the Lord. The Society, represented by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, is the only one....

    "The 'Society' is... fulfilling this commission. We should not expect more than one organization doing this work, and the fact that there is no other proves clearly who is the 'faithful and wise servant' whom the Lord places over his household. The Lord did not commission a number of servants to act for him, nor did he scatter his work and goods over a great many organizations. No! There could be only one 'servant'....

    "This Society was authorized by the Lord to bring forth things new and old for the household of faith and do the work for which the Lord had organized it.

    "The Lord always issues his call to action in an organized, systematic manner.

    "Every organization requires specific instructions for those who serve in it. In the past the Lord issued his 'organization instructions' to his servants through his central agency or channel. Each one joyfully accepted his part therein and faithfully carried it out.

    "These expressions of God's will by his king and through his established agency constitute his law or rule of action for the 'faithful and wise servant' and for their good-will companions today who will dwell upon the earth forever in the new world. The Lord breaks down our organization instructions further and makes them more practicable by further instructing us through his 'faithful and wise servant'. He says, 'Let us assign the field, the world, to special pioneers, regular pioneers and companies of Jehovah's Witnesses in an orderly way, sufficient for everyone to thoroughly witness therein, and let us place upon each one the responsibility of caring for the New World interests in these respective assignments.' He says, 'The requirements for Special Pioneers shall be 175 hours and 50 back-calls per month, which should develop into a reasonable number of studies; and for regular pioneers, 150 hours and as many back-calls and studies as can be properly developed during that time. And for company publishers,' he says, 'let us make a quota of 60 hours and 12 back-calls and at least one study a week for each publisher.' These directions come to us from the Lord through his established agency directing what is required of us; and for those who really love the Lord and are guided by his counsel, that is a reasonable service requirement. This expression of the Lord's will should be the end of all controversy. It is for your good that these requirements are made; for thereby, you are enabled to prove your integrity and magnify the Lord's name.

    "These directions from the Lord come to us as individuals and as collective units called 'companies'. Almost everyone who is consecrated to the Lord recognizes that a company requires organization in order to function properly, but not all of these same brethren appreciate the fact that they as individuals require just as complete an organization to carry out their individual responsibilties as the company does. To illustrate: All realize that every company should have definite assignment of territory in which to witness, but not all appreciate that each individual in that company should have his or her own personal assignment of territory in which to witness. It is just as foolish for a publisher to conclude that he can serve the Lord properly without a personal assignment as it would be for a company to decide that it could function acceptably to the Lord without a territory assignment.... Every intelligent person will admit that that would be not only foolishness but rank unfaithfulness to the Lord... Consequently, it is a measure of unfaithfulness to the Lord to thus waste time and energy that belongs to him.

    "The time has come when each one must bear his own burden fully before the Lord. With the provisions that the Lord has now made in supplying us with new books, question booklets, which contain complete instructions for properly carrying on a study, etc., there is absolutely no excuse for anyone, man or woman, to claim to be unable to accept an individual territory assignment and assume full responsibility for it...

    "The Lord, through his 'faithful and wise servant' now states to us, 'Let us cover our territory four times in six months.' That becomes our organization instructions and has the same binding force on us that his statement to the Logos had when he said, 'Let us make man in our image.' It is our duty to accept this additional instruction and obey it. But someone will say, 'The conditions are different. In the case of the Logos, he could accomplish what Jehovah commanded him to do; but when it comes to covering our territory four times in six months, that is out of all reason. We have never covered it more than once, at the most, twice in six months. It just can't be done.' We have all heard that argument before. And if it were true it would look bad indeed, and would imply that the Lord was asking us to do something that is impossible for us to accomplish. The children of Israel walked around Jericho seven times the last day.

    "The territory now being covered one to two times in six months could very easily be covered four to six times in the same period if everyone took his kingdom responsibilities seriously. This is not theory, but actual facts based on figures gleaned from a number of companies during the past six months...

    Sooooo... what ya'll waitin' for? Turn off that computer and grab that bookbag... and get to work!


  • Euphemism

    I recall seeing that in In Search of Christian Freedom. I can't believe anyone swallowed that.

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