Any Russian Molokans Here?

by Red Witch 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Red Witch
    Red Witch

    I realize for most of you (99.99+%) my question is puzzling. I was born and partially raised "Molokan" ( a small immigrant Russian ancestral (ancestral meaning you have to born into it) 'cult'). My folks began studying with the Witnesses when I was 2 and my Dad was made CO when I was about 13. That's when all hell broke loose. Some very strong family ties were coldly broken by my parents as those 'other' family members were unacepting of the JW teachings and stuck to the Molokan ways . Anyway, the Molokan way of life is a very distinctive way of life, and I am aware that a number of Molokans at one time have adopted the JW religion. The two together create a very confusing state of being. At least for me. I gracefully left, if that is truely possible, the JWs many years ago as their way was destructive to me and my children, to put it mildly. So I am curious/looking for others with the same ethnic background. Any help here?

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