Disgusting: Torture of live chickens at Tyson

by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    Please look at the following link:


    I'm not a big PETA supporter - I think they too often only tell one side of the story - but if you read Virgil Butler's statement I think you'll find there aren't too many ways to look at the situation that would put it in a good light. Dry ice bombs shoved up a chicken's rectum so it would blow apart, chickens scalded to death in so much pain that their eyes pop out of their heads, live chickens having their wings and legs ripped off by sadistic employees - it makes me sick. I don't eat meat but have no problem with anyone who does - after all, my cats are carnivores, they'd die on a vegetarian diet. That's just how nature is. But I don't see any reason to kill these animals in cruel ways.

  • czarofmischief


    Not a tree-hugger myself, but I do agree with the hippies that torturing animals is cruel. Why cause pain when there doesn't need to be? These chickens are sacred animals - their death, their sacrifice - gives me life. They deserve a dignified, almost reverential death, along with some kind of prayer for karmic balance - although that's me in a funny mood right now.

    When these men start behaving as though these chickens are less than what they are - one of the mainstays of our balanced diets that make our post-industrial lives possible - then they rapidly degenerate into something less than human, even less than animal.

    To pretend that war, death, sacrifice, killing is unecessary is to deny the fundamental nature of the universe that collects the very debt of death from each every creature.

    But to torture other creatures for amusement? That just reveals the inner conflict these men must be suffering.

    Dignity, dignity, dignity. We all have to die, chicken and man, but we should be able to do it in a dignified, meaningful manner. Remember, God / Mother Nature comes to slaughter each of us in our time. How do we want Him / Her to treat us?

    Karmas can be a bitch.


  • jelly

    I would question anything from PETA or a PETA like organization. What the hell would the point be of raming dry ice up a chickens ass, it does not even make sense. Factory workers can be pretty strange however. I remember a case a couple of years ago where a guy at a turkey processing plant had sex with a live turkey for $80.00 US from his workmates. He was arrested and convicted of animal cruelty.



    That’s some sick sh!t , I have been seriously thinking of going back to being a vegetarian . It makes me so ill to think of what animals go through before being killed , cut apart , and then eaten.

    After seriously thinking about my last statement , im starting today !

    That’s how I did it before , dropped meat cold turkey . ( Some pun intended )


  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    I don't give 100% credence to PETA either, but I have a close friend who worked at the local IBP plant in quality control and she told us similar stories. That was what led to me originally becoming a vegetarian - just kneeling down in the kitchen petting my kitties while she told my husband and me story after story, sick to my stomach and knowing I could never again eat meat.

  • tinkerbell82

    another informative site regarding animal slaughter...


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