JW TV April - more mind control rubbish

by iwasblind 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iwasblind

    Hi it has been a while since I posted. Sorry this is a rant.

    To be honest I have been on a journey - nearly faded but I won't elaborate until I can.

    I just watched April's broadcast.

    Since when do we have "hollywood" style movie previews? Such fear mongering also!

    I noticed a few things there are probably more:

    • They are talking about "looking forward" not behind. Look behind and you will die is the message - which is great for them because if people look back they will realise how false this thing is.
    • Shameless promotion to children about going to bethel. Honestly, let's now put pressure on all of the people you are fleecing and keeping poor to take their family to Bethel. The film looked like a advert to a fun park.
    • Song - will there ever be a song that praises God or Jesus (heaven forbid). They are all about praising themselves or some "lets do more" video. Let's keep the pace - honestly - how is this praise? Did David ever write about how great he was - nope his praise was not about cleaning up your bedroom but how great God is.

    There are smarter people then me that will pick up all of the slight propaganda they use.

    Thank you Fartful Slave - keep bringing the excrement for you show how shallow and "full of it" you are.

    Ahh there - I feel better now.

  • FayeDunaway

    Hi iwas blind! Thanks for that synopsis, I can not stomach anything from JW.Borg or the televangelist station, myself.

    I hope your journey has been a beautiful one.

  • stuckinarut2
    These broadcasts do more to wake people up than anything else!
  • 4thgen

    Your post peaked my interest. I put my vomit bag beside my computer and clicked on play. Now I want to rant too!!!!!

    The first sentence was "Look back to learn. Look ahead to live." Then he talked about Jehovah telling us from BEHIND on how to walk....God almighty! You can tell how God isn't telling them how to walk, because the JW's are walking in a zig-zag direction. They don't know where to hell they are going! The end is here...no it's not...yes it is...this generation, no that generation. Give me a break!

    Then they talk about only looking back to learn from past mistakes. God almighty! If we look back with eyes of reason, we realize we were duped!!!!!

    "No one can deceive Jehovah" I want to scream out "Dumb-nuts listen to what you are saying....jerk!!!!'

    I am with you about the video. I could have sworn I was looking at a Hallmark movie trailer. I have nothing against TV, but why are they spending all that cash on movie productions when they could be spending it assist the needy and infirmed? What about all those Bethelites that were booted out, without anything but a handshake? Even wordy companies give a stipend of some sort.... "Be warm and well fed" It's all about worshiping the cult. Where is the love??????

  • freemindfade
    Thank you Fartful Slave - keep bringing the excrement for you show how shallow and "full of it" you are.

    Amen to that


    They are desperate to re-brand or die.


  • Listener
    4th Gen - I could have sworn I was looking at a Hallmark movie trailer. I have nothing against TV, but why are they spending all that cash on movie productions when they could be spending it assist the needy and infirmed? What about all those Bethelites that were booted out, without anything but a handshake? Even wordy companies give a stipend of some sort.... "Be warm and well fed" It's all about worshiping the cult. Where is the love??????

    They're hoping to get more awards, even if they have to pay for them. Not only that, they couldn't possibly think of putting Caleb and Sophie out of a job.

    Lol!! I almost forgot that they paid for their "award!" LOL!!!!


  • BluesBrother

    Resurrecting this thread since Sis Blues and I attended a showing of this at the K hall, for the oldies and non switched on.....

    This was awful. The first talk bit said nothing, just stretched scriptural principle to make his point..I hated the kiddie centric nature of the broadcast . Do the dubs really need to endure the young children burbling about Bethel and how much they love Caleb and Sophia? It seemed endless. Perhaps it was meant to be an "ah, sweet" segment . It was lost on the grey haired set in this audience.

    What got me, what really annoyed me was the closing musical number.. "Keep The Pace With........." Not only musically garbage, the visual images were of oldies using tablet I Pads and ministry trolley carts . The message was clear "Like what we do and how we do it these days , or be square and left behind" .....There was a scene of an elderly woman looking blankly at her tablet, and this precocious kid jabs a finger on it and makes it go....

    What message is that? Kiddie power rules now!

    The Bible says that the young need to respect and learn from the wisdom of the old. Instead the old are in the hands of the youngsters in that organisation.

    Incidently Sis Blues was even more annoyed with it than me, I endured the force of her disgust that she dared not express at the Hall. I guess we won't have to go to one of these do's again.. Yippee!

  • Ringo

    . . .the visual images were of oldies using tablet I Pads. . .

    I noticed that too when I, at their request, took a couple of old timers to the monthly GBTV showing. The visual coupled with the words about keeping pace with Big J were shameless and blatant propaganda promoting the use of electronic gadgets. Notice the old fellow starting at one end of a row of printed publications, only to ignore them in favor of that shiny gadget? And only a few short years ago those gadgets were demonized from the platforms and stages of assemblies, and meetings.

    Can we spell HYPOCRITES?

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