What are some good books as good as Crisis of Convience or Journey to God's House which you can recommend?

by nevaagain 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • nevaagain

    I know TTATT for a few years now (first thread was over 14 years ago) but I am still in. Right now I have this hunger for peoples experiences who left the truth. Especially those higher ups have a lot of good stories to tell. I read Crisis of Concience in one day. Also both books Brock Talon were wonderful especially his first book Journey to God's House I can only recommend. Right now I am reading through John Bechtels Blog: http://www.johnbechtelblog.com/john-bechtel/chapter-1-becoming-a-foot-soldier-for-god/

    So what I wanted to ask is, what other books can you recommend which are similar to the mentioned above? I really would like to know how bethel life is now, or just ten years ago. Because the above books mentioned bethel life 30 years ago.

  • slimboyfat

    Apocalypse Delayed is old but worth reading if you haven't. Don't know any recent books about life at bethel apart from Brock Talon you mention. There is also Barbara Anderson's website where you get her recollections in articles like these.



  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    if you are still in after 14 years your choice of username wasnt very fitting, you had good intentions but didnt follow thru. It's not too late you know, but waiting for the right time is a futile exercise as there is never a right time.
  • stuckinarut2

    Don't know about anyone else, but "crisis of convenience' bothered my 'conscience'

    (sorry, couldnt resist!)

  • nevaagain
    @Witness My Fury, yea I didnt think much about my username 14 years ago and I am still in for various reasons. I know it bothers me but I dont want to make a decision which might bring in more problems than solve.
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    i knew a man who went to meetings with his family year in year out and clearly didnt want to be there, he was upset by various changes in doctrine I was told and his protest was a silent one of stoic non participation.

    Eventually he died. I'm not sure what his point was in going all those years or what he was hoping to avoid in doing so, but it was a pitiful sorry waste in any case. He earned good money, had a good job, had a nice home and a seemingly pleasant family. Maybe his wife wore the trousers.

  • punkofnice

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