by acsot 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    Simon!! I love you and Ang!!

    I just found out that one of my favourite "young people" (I'm, uh, well, closer in age to her mother than to her) from a former congregation is "out and free". Found out thanks to this board - I would never have known otherwise. She posted something here once and I said to myself: "OH MY GOD!!!! That's so-and-so!!" Her folks are also out, her mother was was another of my favourite people in the hall I used to go to. We've exchanged cell phone #s and will be calling each other.

    All because of you Simon and Ang and family! Thanks so much! You don't know how much you've helped people by having this forum. I only wish I had more money available to donate to the site .

  • gumby
    I just found out that one of my favourite "young people" from a former congregation is "out and free". Found out thanks to this board

    Good!.....and you can tell that young couple that there is no salvation in anyone else except for Simon and Ang. They are the "door and the way." Nobody gets to the father except through these two!

    They will need baptised soon into their names ......but will have to answer some pretty tough questions first,... before they both can join us.

    I too thank these two and all who make this place what it is for all to see.


  • Simon

    LOL Gumby

    Thanks Ascot, it's good to get feedback of real situations where the board has helped people. It really makes it all worthwhile.

  • AlanF

    It's true, Simon. Your efforts help far more people than you can imagine. You're going to find out, in years to come, how true this is, as people who saw something here and ran away at first, finally came to their senses. Invent a better mousetrap, provide a great forum, and things happen!


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