Are visits from Bethel requested by assembly committees?

by StarTrekAngel 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StarTrekAngel

    Along the many documents recently leaked from a CO, we now have the document with instructions on how to handle assembly finances. I have heard before that there is a per publisher going rate, used to calculate the total expenses. Now we have the actual document that shows it. What I did not expect to find there was the instructions to add the travel expenses of visitors. Be it GB members or Bethel people who come to visit congregations at the time of their assemblies. This makes me wonder, are these visits scheduled by the branch based on the perceived needs or is there a sort of rent-a-pastor type of list where each circuit gets on a waiting list?

    We had our assembly not long ago and Lett was present. I was surprised when the announcement was made in our KH. I never thought we would be important enough to have Lett come down for an assembly of a handful of thousand souls. On top of that, his demeanor and attitude was so disconnected and rest of personal warmth that it was almost like if you had ordered a recording of his speech. It makes me wonder if it is possible that each circuit calls the branch an asks for a special visitor to be sent (on the circuit's dime), gets put on a waiting list and as soon as one is available, they get scheduled for the next assembly. Does anyone know how this usually works?

  • baker
    On JT,s web site Critical Thought he talks about counting all the money collected and how it is double checked, but who ever audits the main Org, the IRS? Is there a secretary that monitors the money coming and going, just to keep everyone honest?
  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    They tour like rock stars! I would go to the Conyers assembly hall to see one of the governungs, but I'm savin' up to see the MONKEES at Verizon Amphitheater!


  • sir82

    There are 2 one-day circuit assemblies per year now. At one of them, all speakers are local and the "top dog" is the CO.

    At the other, there is always a "special guest speaker" who is always a Bethelite. He gives a half-hour talk in the morning and an hour talk in the afternoon. His expenses are paid by the circuit.

    I don't think circuits can request a particular speaker, but I don't know for sure.

    I suspect that the Bethelites themselves decide where they would like to go - for example, someone might choose to go to a location near where he has family or friends.

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