Subtle Protests.........

by integ 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    I continue in my fade to make those little subtle protests when around the Witnesses....You know what I mean? Doing the kind of things that have nothing to do with violating "Bible Standards", but are none the less frowned upon by the self righteous of dubdum. My latest was when attending a wedding reception the other night. I dared to come to the reception with no tie, and just a regular style crew neck polo shirt and khaki pants. Everyone else was dressed in suits and ties, (and dresses for the ladies). Plus...and hold on to your seats for this one, I had'nt shaved for two days, and my beard was noticeable. I did'nt do this in protest to the couple that invited me to the reception, but only to send some subtle signs that I am not as 'IN' as I used to be. I was gracious and amiable to those I conversed with, but I could tell that there were some who were looking at me kind of cross-eyed. To those of you who read this and were never witnesses, you must think it to be hilarious that not wearing a tie and having facial air (outside of a mustache), would be a form of subtle protest. To those others that have been witnesses and done the same thing, you understand what I'm talking about. I offered no apologies to anyone in regards to my disrespectful way of dressing and my lack of shaving. I looked like the worldly un believing husband guy that sisters drag to witness events. It was subtle, but this, along with my lack of meeting attendance, has sent a message that I may well be a "lost sheep" at this point. Anyway, just thought I'd share, and ask if anyone else has sent similar subtle messages before exiting the borg completely?



  • happyout


    good for you, Integ. This is a great way to build up to whatever you decide to do in the end, fade, DA, whatever.


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