Watchtower Centennial edition 7/1/79- 1879-1979 Keeping Watch for 100 Years

by truthseeker 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I recently 'stumbled' on an old WT magazine from 1979. It's been ages since I've seen an old 2 color copy of this magazine.

    It just happened to be their centennial issue, the July 1st edition.

    The cover title is...

    1879 - 1979

    Keeping Watch for 100 Years

    Any of you old timers remember it? Anyway, here's some info...

    A Message to Our Readers (pg 3)

    The first issue of the Watchtower was published in July of 1979. This means that the journal has been printed for a century (in its

    original English edition). And keen interest in you, our readers, has prompted us to publish this special issue.

    The article starting on the next page tells the story of The Watchtower during these first 100 years. It reminisces on how the world

    was in the journal's early years, how the world changed, and how the Watchtower also adjusted to keep pace with advancing

    Bible enlightenment.

    (notice this special issue still has 32 pages - most special issues of other circulars usually contain more pages)

    Keeping Watch for 100 Years (pg 4)

    With this issue, The Watchtower has a century of publication behind it. During those years there have been many changes in the world.

    This journal has undergone some changes itself. Yet, in some important respects, it has not changed at all. Consider now just how

    The Watchtower has been keeping watch for 100 years.

    This journal came on the scene in July 1879. One of the main reasons for its coming into existence was a dispute over the ransom. This

    prompted Charles T. Russell to publish the Watch Tower, in which as he wrote, "the Ransom [should be] defended and the Good Tidings of

    great Joy proclaimed as extensively as possible.".....This journal has dilligently sought to live up to its name by keeping watch


    page 5

    From the outset, the Watch Tower showed that at Christ's second coming his parousia would be an invisible presence as a mighty spirit

    person. Moreover, in keeping watch, this journal's early issues (March and June 1880) pointed to 1914 CE as a climatic year. It was to mark

    the close of the 2,520 year long Gentile Times, during which non-Jewish nations would rule earth without interference by any kingdom of God.

    Of course, even though this magazine has published such enlightening material, we do not claim to be infallible. It is to Jehovah

    God that we look gratefully for spiritual instruction. For any clarity of viewpoint, we have been dependent on the operation of his

    holy spirit, or active force. That spirit searches into the deep things of God.

    And only 4 years after they said 1975 was going to be the end of the world. Nothing much has changed today. Any guesses as to what the bicentennial issue of the Watchtower will be?

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    125 years on the watch but not much longer, Armageddon will be soon !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I remember that Watchtower, I was 12 at the time, but it just struck me at the time, wow 100 years, Armageddon can't be far away, WRONG !!!!

  • garybuss

    The Watch Tower celebrated it's own birthday but if one Witness mother celebrants her daughter's birthday she will be kicked out of the Kingdom and shunned. Shame on you Watch Tower! GaryB

  • Hapgood

    garybuss, isn't that the truth! I remember going to some special day assembly that was held in Pittsburgh, PA at the hockey arena to celebrate this blessed event. Anyway, the local news reported it as the Watchtower celebrating its 100th year birthday. Boy were the local witnesses ticked off. "Like no, we don't celebrate Birthdays, it's really an anniversary".


  • pamkw

    I was a teenager, I remember the 100 year thing. I remember thinking it was so cool. How many other religions had a 100 year old magazine. Everyone was so proud of that.


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