Gord Downie - No Mention ??

by berrygerry 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • berrygerry

    With the loss of music greats in 2016, I'm somewhat surprised that Gord Downie hasn't been mentioned here.

    The Hip make such good music, and put on a good show. Saw them here about 4 years ago, and Gord brought his young son out on stage. With his health news, it makes that memory so much more touching.

    Whenever we lose a talented entertainer, we feel such loss, wishing that their talented gift to us did not stop.

    For him to give, what can only be described as, a self-sacrificing good-bye tour, leaves me absolutely speechless.


    I raise a toast, to Gord Downie and his family.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Never heard of him or them until I found this tread. He and them are pretty good. I look forward to exploring their music.

  • Twitch
    I raise a toast, to Gord Downie and his family.

    Ditto. His lyrics and the Tragically Hip's songs are synonymous with Canadian music and culture to a large degree. I first saw them during a "nooner" at college in '89 when they released "Up to Here". Pretty good band I thought and then they exploded, here in Canada anyways.

    I salute Gord's bravery and dedication to his craft with this last tour, and wish him and his own strength in the coming months.

  • talesin

    My flatmate told me about this a few days ago........... so SAD. :'( Brain cancer .. I don't even want to go there again.

    Darn, half my post didn't post ........ 

    Wanted to say, for those in other countries, I'll post this vid.  Gord Downey was singer for the Tragically Hip, a much -beloved Canadian band.   The word "iconic" comes to mind.

    We are with you and your family, and your music will live on forever.  xx 


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