Wt needs to be full of gratitude to have an apostate like me.

by joe134cd 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joe134cd

    Ok here is tonight’s scenario. I walk in the door to see my elderly father sitting at the dinner table. I switch on the TV and sit down. Now I respect, and accept that it’s his house, so I play by his rules. However, the minute I sit down to watch TV he then starts up a question and answer ministry school type discussion with me from the latest watchtower. It went on for 15 minutes. I grinned and beard it with a smile on my face. Finished off watching my tv program, and was quite proud of the way I handled it.

    Now that I think on it. Watchtower should be thankful to have an apostate like me. In fact they should be so full of gratitude they should be making me an honorary member of the 144k club. The bullshit that I save my father from hearing. When that documentary “the witness” aired on the local tv channel. I actually took him out to dinner to prevent him from seeing it. I would be so annoyed if he was confronted by a cart crasher. Isn’t it ironic how it’s an apostate trying to protect him from apostates. I can’t believe the things I do at times and the craziness of it.

  • Studyover

    I totally agree joe134cd. I am in the same position as you but with my mother who is 87. It is me who helps my mother still attend - she couldn't do Zoom without me. And it is me who had to run round for unleavened bread last month!. However I have had a couple of texts from Mom's friends in the congregation thanking me for respecting her faith and helping her keep this up during the pandemic...which is appreciated by them at least. From time to time we have discussed the reasons why I don't believe but for the most part I remain silent on the matter. In the last years of her life when she truly believes she will one day be well and one day see my father again, it seems kinder to allow her those thoughts of comfort.

  • exjwlemming

    I completely agree with both of you. My parents are in their late 70s and early 80s. I'm POMO and Dfed for sometime. At this point in their life, I would hate for them to learn TTATT. It would completely devastate them to learn that was a farce and all lies by a man made organization that has nothing to do with true worship. This org had forced them to cut me off from my family and they have lost so many years with me. They have wasted their life in FS, conventions, and meetings. It's best that when they pass, they will think that they will wake up in paradise as faithful JWs.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    Kindness in action.

    'that documentary “the witness”

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    An actual application of love instead of pounding on it.

  • solomon

    It is a true kindness to help those who hate you. Much like the Good Samaritan in Jesus teachings. This is true Christianity in action.

    The villain is not our parents that have written us off as bird food. The true villain is the watchtower that CONvinced our folks they would never grow old thus never need to plan for old age, and shun their adult children who they would need later in life.
    An older couple in our congregation who all of their children were disfellowshipped had no place to go. The congregation bought them a one way ticket to her worldly sister out west to take care of them. Sad.

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