By the Rivers of Babylon Exhibit of Yahudu Tablets

by kepler 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kepler

    Has anyone noticed, commented or reported on the exhibit that opened in Jerusalem: the Yahudu Tablets from Babylon chronicling the daily life of Judean exiles in Babylon. About 100 of them translated. Part of the private David Sofer collection.

    The announcements indicate that the earliest of the set dates to 572 BC and that they show how exile wasn't so bad. In fact, the community never left "Babylon" until the present day and was the source for much of written Judaic scripture, particularly the Babylonian Talmud. But no doubt, much of the editing of the Old Testament scriptures we know today.

    What would be of particular interest to this forum would be the dating of events in terms of reigns of Babylonian kings.

    From a personal standpoint, it is another shell or two in the arsenal against the arguments posed in "What the Bible Really Says", i.e., that Babylon was destroyed in punishment for incidents recorded in Daniel. Babylon and its Jewish community lived on for centuries.

    Again, these cuneiform tablets have been translated. But I haven't seen them. Nor do I know their implications - yet.

  • Crazyguy
    Interesting I'll check them out, there's another set of tablets found that we're of recordings of transaction etc by a banking family, these show Jerusalem wasn't destroyed in 607 and yes Babylon survived for many centuries after it's fall in 539. Its also note worthy that Cyrus took the city with out a fight unlike what's portrayed by the Borg.

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