Can you answer?

by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Specifically for Women But All Can Join In

    1. Whether you believe in the bible or not are you free to read /allowed to read the bible,THE WORD OF GOD?

    2. Whether you want to or not, are you free to read/ allowed to read the Shepherds Book, THE WORD OF MEN?

    Just wondering how god wanted all , men and women, to read the bible if they choose to; being it religious n word of god (not going to debate if it is or not gods word).

    How a few nutters have the gall to prohibit women to read the shepherds book, a book written by nutters?

    God, the highest entity, did not keep things secret from women! Yet a few rats ass-men wrote some shitty policies and keep it secret from women. (that has changed for those who are exjw!)

    On the same token , during judicial hearings they do not refrain from getting into your private things (you know how intimate I mean), which you ,women in particular, cant keep a secret from them however embarassing or unnecessary they might be!

    How appalling! By doing so they are ineffect saying that their word (shepherds book) is much much more precious,valuable than gods word(bible)


  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Of course the Shepards Book is more precious. Just like their WT and Awake is more precious than the bible. Now days, it's the mighty tablet and large screens that are more important.

    In Wt's history that I experienced, there was only one Watchtower (that was studied in 3 parts if I remember correctly) that portrayed women in a very positive light. It was about the women that accompanied Jesus.

    That's the only one that comes to mind. The rest are about women being a fragile vase, weaker vessel, must always know their place, always be below men, do everything without complaining and best of all, if your husband is abusive - be a better wife.

  • smiddy3

    How does the downplaying of women in the Christian setting gel with how women were used by God in the Old Testament ?

    Deborah was a Prophetess and also a Judge over Israel "and the sons of Israel would go up to her for judgement"

    as one example .

    You don`t hear much about her and how Jehovah put her in such a responsible position from the WT/JW `s do you.

  • truth_b_known

    Imagine if you will a member of a religion wrote a letter to a locale specific group of fellow religious members. A group the size of a congregation. Later, all members of said religion get a hold of that letter an incorporate it as being God's own word.

    Now we know how the Apostle Paul misogyny was incorporated into Christianity - a religion based on Paul's letters to congregation made up of followers of the teachings of Jesus. Jesus, who held no such teaching or belief as Paul.

    The Watchtower's protectiveness of the Shepherding book borders on secret society behavior. Take for instance the direction that elders may only take the book to a male Jehovah's Witness bookbinder and that any work done on the book must be done under the direct supervision of the elder.

    Why all the secrecy? Civil and possible criminal liability. Watchtower claims that all the content in the book may be found in their other publications. This is partially true. The difference is that the Shepherding book is not ambiguous as the rest of the a Watchtower's publications are. That is intentional so they don't paint themselves into a corner.

    The Shepherding book is different. It is specific about the actual beliefs and practices condoned by the Watchtower. Watchtower policy on handling child abuse cases inside the congregation are a clear example of this. Other Watchtower publications will condemn child abuse and make statements like "Child abusers should be handed over to the authorities and not protected by the congregation." Whereas the Watchtower's actual written, but hidden policy, is to report the case to headquarters and wait for instructions.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I ask you all Did Jesus Have A Shepherding flock book??

    Why all the secrecy and forbidding. Truth will Always Stand Up To Scrutiny!


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Good point Smiddy !


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