Help! Jehuba Is Casting Doubts In My Mind!

by sinboi 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sinboi

    Remember when we were "IN"? We were told that if we have doubts regarding the bible and regarding the wt, it is satan that is casting doubts in our mind?

    I have been out for 4 months now. Occasionally , when I read the newspapers, such as regarding gay marriages, raising kids genetically neutral, it just pop up in my mind that we are living in the last days.

    I am trying very hard to shove this "last days" thoughts away from my mind. But it keeps on coming back. It must be jehubar casting doubts in my mind.

    I must hide inside my blanket and shout out "Get away from me, jehubar!" and I must who?

    To satan...."Please deliver me from jehubar!"

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    I never had any serious doubts after I realized God (most probably) doesn't exists, Jehovah surely doesn't exist, and the Bible is just like any other collection of myth and folklore mixed with some real history.

    But just to be sure, when I first became an atheist I prayed a couple of times to Jdub. Not because I doubted my conclusions, but because I wanted to offer Jdub the benefit of the doubt anyway. Well surprise: no answer of any kind....

    By the way why would an all-powerful God need random events and newspapers to make someone doubt. He can easily make someone know beyond any doubt, right?

    Ps: I'm wondering why gay marriage etc trigger this for you, and not for example the 'persecution' in Russia, the earthquakes and storms, or the Korea-USA standoff?

  • sinboi
    Ps: I'm wondering why gay marriage etc trigger this for you, and not for example the 'persecution' in Russia, the earthquakes and storms, or the Korea-USA standoff?

    Persecutions, earthquakes and storms have all been occurring throughout the ages. Intensity of these natural calamities increases in our time? I am not that sure. I would say it is due to global warming which is man-made.

    Korea-USA standoff which will most likely leads to WW3. Nothing unusual about that. We have already seen two world wars.

    It is the morality of this present world that has triggered the thought that we are in the last days. As for gay marriages, I am neither for or against it. Or maybe I would say I can't imagine a man marrying another man. This has nothing to do with biblical condemnation of homosexuality. It is just my own personal standpoint. Then there is the case of a gay couple suing a bakery for refusing to bake a cake for their wedding. They have the right to be gay. But the bakery shop owner also have his right to refuse to do things that his religious belief forbid. The gay couple should just simply walk away and find another shop willing to make the cake for them...

    Now, the thing that I am very opposed to is raising kids genetically neutral. Instead of raising kids as him or her, they now raise kids as hens! I am so lucky that I was born 16 years earlier. Otherwise I will be raise up as a hen. My dad raised me up as a 'him' and taught me how to behave as a 'him'. I can still remember when I was 5 or 6 and was crying. My dad told me sternly "Boys don't cry!" At least I know that I am a boy and am expected to behave as a boy.

    I am wondering how these "hen"s will behave when they grow older. Will the society has more effeminate males and masculine females????

    Now, back to the question "Are we in the last days?". No. I don't think so. I have just recently read some articles on pompeii , an ancient roman city where they engaged in gross "sins" and immorality. Maybe what they were engaging then is much more immoral than our times....

    Why is my avatar missing?

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    "I must hide inside my blanket and shout out 'Get away from me, jehubar!' and I must who? To satan....'Please deliver me from jehubar!'"


    @sinboi be under his blanket like:

  • scratchme1010
    when I read the newspapers, such as regarding gay marriages, raising kids genetically neutral, it just pop up in my mind that we are living in the last days.

    That's your real issue, not the WT nonsense.

    Then there is the case of a gay couple suing a bakery for refusing to bake a cake for their wedding. They have the right to be gay. But the bakery shop owner also have his right to refuse to do things that his religious belief forbid. The gay couple should just simply walk away and find another shop willing to make the cake for them...

    Who are you to change the law to accommodate for other people trying to shove their so-called morals down other people's throats? What those bakers did was ILLEGAL (look it up, they lost the case), they are not entitled to discriminate. The nonsense that you are stating can go both ways. It's like me saying "They have the right to be bakers. But the gay couple also have their right to demand others to do things that their religious belief forbid. The bakers should just simply close their bakery and find another way of making a living..."

    Go back to the congregation. Seems like you are happier there. If the JWs don't do it for you, there are plenty of homophobic, hateful, fear mongering, ignorance promoting churches that will perfectly suit you. Your fear has nothing to do with the JWs, but with your own ignorance. I'd suggest to educate yourself, but you don't seem interested in going that route, so go back to the congregation and act like an ostrich.

    Obviously you don't want to accept life and the world for what it really is. Go join some little bubble of the church where you feel entitled to discriminate against anything and everything you don't like hearing about.

    Maybe what they were engaging then is much more immoral than our times....

    Yeah, keep telling that to yourself.

  • sinboi

    Why r u so worked up, scratchme1010.

    Sor-ly, sor-ly if I said anything that offended you...

  • maccauk

    Friend we all go through life with doubts. Father knows that. Do not condemn yourself for having doubts but rather make it your goal to study and research the things you are doubting to give yourself clarity. Make sure of all things. I believe all things were fulfilled in the first century it is done my youtube channel ;Christians rising discuss all prophecy and the second coming has already happened in the 1st century. This helps set you free from all things. I let myself fade away from the WT ten years ago and found Christ as the truth and the way, not an organisation or system of worship. You might be suprised to know he dwells within all those who believe and he set you free to live oyur life within condmentation or judgement.You belong to him forever and your eternity is assured. No one can teach you these things but some will testify to you. So i would encourage you to make sure of all things be happy in your search for God he will let himself be found by you. Hope you find him

  • wwjdnwt

    Hi.😊 what you are feeling is normal. I have been out for several years now. I never stopped believing in God and Christ. We are living in the last days..JWs are not the only ones who believe that. Most all Christian know that. The difference is the way of salvation. It is a gift from God. You don't earn it. Christians are not afraid...and we are telling others the gospel of Christ. When I left I had to find out what the bible really taught on everything! You should research. For one....the 144,000 are not the only ones with heavenly hope....we as Christians all have that. We will at some point return back to earth with Christ to rein with Him on earth. Rev. 5:10 says rule ON the earth. JWs bible says OVER.

  • StarryNight9

    People have been complaining that things are getting "worse" since the dawn of time. Inter-racial marriage used to be what had people screaming about the end of days (and there were other things before that). Those couples couldn't get cakes either. We'd be horrified if that happened today. Our brains are wired to remember a version of the "good old days" instead of how things really were.

  • maccauk

    As regards the end the end was in the 1st century. You have nothing to worry about there isno destruction of the world it was about the destruction of the Old Covenant/Jerusalem/ the law . The New Heaven and earth is the new covenant in which we live by faith alone.You have been set free. Where there is no law there is no sin, no more death it is done finished. See my youtube christians rising to help you see how all things have been fulfilled in the 1st century its finished

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