JW Studios, LLC - for commercial purposes?

by neat blue dog 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    JWs have always used non-profit corporations to publish their work, from print to audio and video. So why is their new mega-studio with the Hollywood-sounding name "JW Studios" an LLC, or limited liability company? Doing some searching here are some things I found:

    LLCs are not eligible for tax-exempt, or nonprofit, status because of the tax options owners are given to pass-through revenues

    I'm also seeing that non-profit LLC's are only allowed in Minnesota, Tennessee and Kentucky, and JW Studios is from New York. HOWEVER, an LLC can be owned and used by a non-profit corporation, like the WTS, which leads to this possible reason:

    Use of an LLC by a Nonprofit
    To operate a business that is not substantially related to advancing its exempt purpose without exposing itself to revocation of its 501(c)(3) exempt status. This strategy is commonly employed where a nonprofit desires to carry on an unrelated business that is substantial in scope and size.

    I am by no means a law expert, I'm just wondering about what they're up to, so if anyone with more knowledge on the subject can enlighten me, thanks.

  • nowwhat?

    Wow good catch! Now it all makes sense this allows them to sell jw streaming content to subscribers!

  • nowwhat?

    J w streaming $10.00 a month x 3 million jw households thats 360 million in 1'year! That's a bargain for the jdubs because when the kh's are sold they won't have to donate for kh maintenance anymore.

  • Overrated

    Seems to me it would be JW pay-TV. But who would pay for such dry, ridiculous bullshit, except JW'S.

  • nowwhat?

    The more I think about it. This is their end game! I'm telling you the from what Im hearing, the majority of jdubs do not not want to go back to the meetings. Think about it. They could do $10.00 base package. Oh you want to the the annual meeting live? $5.00 more.

    $2.00 more a month if you want to view the epic Jesus story episodes.

    The financial possibilities are endless!

  • Overrated

    Now what? I can really see Watchtower selling of all the Kingdumb halls and leaving the convention halls they have(big money maker) and going 100% online /TV. They still can take in dollars with less troubles.

  • mynameislame

    JW-Studios seems to be fairly common on a google search.

    Are we sure it is our jws?

  • mynameislame

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