STOP Ashcroft! Sign this Petition

by badwillie 9 Replies latest social current

  • badwillie

    Already 42,938 Americans have stood up today in defense of civil liberties. As Attorney General John Ashcroft began his tour of the country to promote an expansion of the Patriot Act, the American people are signing a petition demanding that Ashcroft "stop compromising our freedoms; stop eroding our basic civil rights; stop trying to teach our neighbors to spy on each other, and American communities to mistrust each other."

    If you haven't yet signed the petition to Stop Ashcroft, do so here:

  • berylblue

    Done. Even though I'm still not certain about getting involved in politics.

    Some WT rules die hard.

  • ashitaka

    Done. I left some comments as well. The Patriot Act is as dangerous as legislation comes.


  • badwillie

    Displaying the Petition to Stop Ashcroft, Standing Up for Civil Liberties

    As John Ashcroft entered the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines, Iowa today, Dean supporters displayed the first 50,000 signatures from the Stop Ashcroft petition. Ashcroft was speaking at the hotel to promote the Bush administration's plans to expand the Patriot Act.

    If you print in 8 point font, you can fit approximately 150 names on an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. If you have 50,000 names, you need (do the math with me) a lot of paper, over 300 sheets of paper in fact. Thanks to all the thousands of you who signed the online petition to stop John Ashcroft, Iowans protesting this administration’s disregard for civil liberties in Des Moines today had your people power behind them. Thanks to you we joined with over 100 Iowans, including members from the Iowa Democratic Party and the Iowa Civil Liberties Union, to deliver a massive 70 foot wall of resistance to the Attorney General himself. That is grassroots, that is restoring the American Community, that is the power of this campaign.

  • KGB

    Its a done deal..................

  • Mecurious?

    Did it, Let keep this thread alive guys!



  • berten

    >"stop compromising our freedoms; stop eroding our basic civil rights;

    >stop trying to teach our neighbors to spy on each other,

    >and American communities to mistrust each other."

    Strange that I don't see any of the rightwingers in here chime in.

    They are probably not very concerned about "Basic Civil Rights" and such,

    it's all too "Bleeding Heart Liberal" to them.

    They would rather have you leave the USA,

    they would rather have you sign up at "".

    They probably find you all very "Unpatriotic" :-)

  • jelly

    At first blush I dont think the powers of the patriot act need to be expanded. But before I sign any petittion I am going to read more about it. Thats why I have not sounded off here, I dont have enough background information to form an opinion yet. Although I am not a right winger I am a Bush supporter so you probably consider me a right winger.


  • Mecurious?

    Strange that I don't see any of the rightwingers in here chime in.

    They are probably not very concerned about "Basic Civil Rights" and such,

    it's all too "Bleeding Heart Liberal" to them.

    They would rather have you leave the USA,

    they would rather have you sign up at "".

    They probably find you all very "Unpatriotic" :-)

    Very true Berten. But we won't worry about them. Hopefully many more will sign the petition!


  • D8TA
    Strange that I don't see any of the rightwingers in here chime in.

    Because their wonderful honest government who provides them with a false sense of security, and such a government could and would NEVER abuse the Patriot Act.


    Remember my thread here (when the Patriot Act was enacted-back-when)?:

    That's a nice thread where defenders (and "right wingers") of such an act "chimed in". Read them responses. Visit those links that show "abuse". Newspaper articles and such. Those responses speak for themselves.


    Hey, don't take my word for it. Don't take some "newspapers" writing and word for it. Don't take some popular television news media's word for it. Take the VERY WORDS printed BY THE U.S. Government...THEIR OWN WORDS, BY AND FROM THEM, PROVIDED BY THEM!

    Go on, read it. The ENTIRE thing, so you don't get my or anbody elses "slant" of what it says.

    See the section of "admitted" abuses? Oh, and notice the 1,000 plus more that don't "fit in the juristiction of the doj"? What about those too?

    And for my aforementioned link and topic of discussion provided in this post, I shall say to those who defended their position and government and called me crazy:

    Eat crow and enjoy.

    But, since we live in a world full of fairy folk and leprachauns, I guess it's okay to believe that everything will turn out for the good. That these "abuses" will subside, and your civil liberties will be returned and there will be rainbows in the sky and streets paved with gold....

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