If Jehovah God had purposed followers of Jesus to be called Jehovah`s Witnesses , Jesus Christ had the perfect opportunity to instruct them to do so .
The fact that he didn`t and the overwhelming evidence in the New Testament that followers of Jesus were to be witnesses of Jesus Christ as the only means to come to the father Jehovah God.
Sciptures that say Christians are to be Witnesses of Jesus 20+ , Scriptures that say Christians are to be witnesses of Jehovah in the New Testament ? None / Zero .
Not the WTB&TS or the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses but only by bearing witness to Jesus as his witnesses.
And here is the proof not by what Jesus said but what he didn`t say when he had the opportunity to do so.
When many stopped following Jesus because they were shocked by what he was saying .John 6 :67-69
"Therefore Jesus said to the twelve ,you do not want to go also do you? 68 Simon Peter answered him Lord whom shall we go away to ? You have sayings of everlasting life 69 and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy one of God.
Now we come to the IF
When Simon peter said whom shall we go away to ? Jesus had every opportunity to say ,Jehovah God of course he is the Father ,that`s who you could go away to .
But he didn`t say that because that was not and is not Gods purpose for Christians to bear witness to Jehovah ,they are to bear witness about Jesus Christ and his Kingdom and this is the only way to have any sort of relationship with God.
According to the New World Translation of the Bible.