Only in Jehovah's organiz . . . scratch that

by neat blue dog 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    An experience from the latest magazine. Only in Jehovah's organization! . . . Oh wait.

    Jovica, quoted earlier in this series of
    articles, grew up hearing his countrymen,
    the news, and television programs give
    negative reports about a minority group.
    “I became filled with prejudice—and even
    hatred—for those people,” he says. “And
    I thought I was completely justified in
    feeling that way.
    “However, while in the army, I had no
    choice but to live and work with fellow
    soldiers from that minority group. In time,
    I learned more about them. I even started
    to learn their language and to listen to
    their folk songs. I began to have pleasant
    dealings with them, and I started to view
    them differently.
  • inbetween09

    Yep, you nfind these kind of experiences anywhere, religions, charities, even army organisations.

    However, as JW are so conditioned only to focus on their own, they are blind to these things, since the world is rotten to the core and Satan rules it anyway.

  • tiki

    And the point is????

  • Magnum

    tiki, I think the point he's making is that JWs think that such things only happen in JWdom, but as the OP and inbetween09 indicate, those things don't just happen in JWdom. JW literature implies that such changes of heart, etc. only occur in the org because of its teachings, the atmosphere of "love", etc.

    I read in the past few years about a white supremacist who was raised and indoctrinated as such who, after having dealings with blacks, realized he was wrong and had a complete change of head & heart. Had nothing to do with JWs or the Bible.

  • jonahstourguide

    Hi there,

    I thought the point is that it occurred while the person was in the army !?

    Thus proving it happens anywhere, contrary to jwdom logic. Hence...."scratch that"

    Or, did I miss the point also??


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