Unpredictable Certainty

by joey jojo 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    With this pandemic upon us now in full bloom, its not surprising that religions are trying to entice their flocks back, with ' we told you so' rhetoric.

    The truth is, these events happen every so often and we should expect them.

    Another term for this unpredictable certainty is a black swan event, that is, a rare event, that has wide ranging, often devastating effects. We know bad things will happen, sometimes very bad things but we just don't know what, how or when. For example, if you live an average life, you can expect to live through 2 economic recessions and 1 depression.

    Every generation is unique in its own way, but has to deal with much the same problems.

  • smiddy3

    We could use theocratic warfare ? "Time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all " , "there`s nothing new under the sun" ?

    JJ ,I couldn`t bare to see a 4 day old post with no replies .LOL

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo


    thx Smiddy, it wouldn't be the first time no one was interested in something I said.


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