A Jehovah's Witness matter clearly not understood by a great many members (concerning imprisonment)

by Terry 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    During the Vietnam War (1955 - 1975) young men reaching the age of 18 were required by law to register for the Draft within 30 days of that birthday.
    Jehovah's Witnesses included.

    Most JW's did NOT (perhaps never did) understand the situation faced by young brothers in the congregation.
    The general "understanding" among the rank and file went something like this.

    1. JW's serve Jehovah as ruler rather than men.
    2. We believe "thou shalt not kill."
    3. We are all ministers. We deserve a ministerial deferment.

    And so forth.

    But wait--there's more!

    About 300,000 young men were being drafted EACH YEAR from the general population.

    Of 16,000 men convicted of draft resistance during the war (and sentenced to a maximum of five years), 6,000 were rejected Conscientious Objectors, and 3/4 of those were Jehovah's Witnesses.
    That's 4,500 Jehovah's Witness boys between 18 and 25.

    Got that?

    25,000 Conscientious Objectors were assigned to non-combat military duty.

    Good, let's move on.

    • Hardly any rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses have been exposed to the details of the decision, the actual choice facing young members of the Kingdom Hall congregation in the U.S.

      Here are the true facts of the matter.

      ANY person drafted into Military Service in the United States was required to do 3 things.

      1. Register for the draft immediately upon reaching the age of 18.
      2. When notice arrived in the mail, the draftee had to report locally for an Armed Forces Military physical examination.
      3. A meeting with a local Draft Board must be scheduled, but only IF A REQUEST of deferment from duty for cause was tendered.

      I did all three.
      Note #3 above. Before your local Draft Board, the objective for a JW was to convince the board you were an actual minister and NOT JUST a person of conscience. What's the difference?

      The person officially recognized as a religious minister of a denomination was automatically granted
      a classification if 4-D .
      4-D - Ministers of Religion - Exempted from military service.
      Otherwise (as in my case) you simply received I-A-O.

      My draft card classified me as :

      1-A-O -Conscientious Objector - Conscientiously opposed to training and military service requiring the use of arms - fulfills his service obligation in a noncombatant position within the military. Those classified 1-A-O are conscientious objectors available for noncombatant military service.

      Legally, all I was required to do was report for non-combat community service!
      Ready for the big twist-ending?
      My congregations elders (overseers) privately took me aside. I was counseled NOT to ACCEPT
      assigned alternate service in a hospital!
      I was told it was a "compromise" of my faith.
      I was to REFUSE my lawfully assigned alternate service.
      So, instead - go to prison to demonstrate
      Jehovah's Witnesses were not like other false religious organizations.
      See how different this understanding is of imprisoned brothers?
      We weren't AVOIDING going to war. We weren't saving our own ass.
      We were never legally required to enter the military since we were classified a non-combatants.

      My choices were:
      I would never have gone to Vietnam. I would have helped sick people.
      This is the "dirty little secret" hidden from most JW's all this time.

      I was sternly admonished never to tell any officer of the court or law I HAD BEEN DIRECTED by my religion to do this, saying only "It is a matter of conscientious ; a Bible-based conscience."

      Are you surprised?

      One more surprise.

      There was only ONE EXCEPTION allowed.

      IF your Judge "SENTENCED YOU" to hospital work - you COULD accept.

      You were under compulsion - NOT by the Military - but by the Law itself.

      Crazy enough for you?

      I knew a brother who hired Hayden C. Covington ($10,000) to represent him for jury trial.
      (Wealthy family.)
      Covington got his sentenced reduced to 2 years instead of 5 as a plea deal.
      (It came out later Covington knew all along most JW's only served 2 years till parole anyway.)

      My friend asked Covington not to accept such a plea. Covington talked him into it. Hayden C. Covington had been telephoned by Cassius Clay's family (Muhammed Ali) and asked to take the boxer's Draft Evasion case for a million bucks. Covington had to get out my friend's case in a hurry.

      Just thought you should know. For the record.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Hi Terry

    I am so sad reading your life in this stage and that you had to go through things which I cant imagine coz I was not even born then.Things about war and life during those times is only what I have read in books or what the watchtowers have fed me.

    Your story touched me and I am so so sorry at 20 (not that there is an age for anyone to go through war and what it brings along with it) you had to go through all this . You have a very beautiful way of writing , Stories like yours needs to be revealed so more jws can read about facts rather than the ficiton jws conjure up and put on a pedestal!

    Thank you for sharing it.


  • StephaneLaliberte

    Great post! Thanks Terry!

  • carla

    I have read previous things you have written about your experience, told my jw, big surprise? yes, you must be an apostate with an ax to grind, never happened, blah, blah, blah......

    So sorry Terry.

  • WTWizard

    And look who is responsible for most of these conflicts. Christianity and communism are both joke-hova's creations, and both are identical. Joke-hova is directly responsible for creating communism. Then, when anyone tries to fight against it, joke-hova makes this person into a villain and the whole world has to go to war against those trying to prevent communism. At the same time, any xian that gets drafted into such war, which is serving joke-hova's own interests, is blamed for it. This has been a problem with Vietnam, and will for sure be a major issue when World War III evolves.

    It is also set up to appear to be that Satan (who always gets the blame) is responsible for the wars that joke-hova gets started. It is set up to blame Satan for communism when Satan is more against communism than anyone else. This gives the jokehovians something to blame for the wars, and then they can go to jail and suffer (and give more energy for more communism, which means more wars to impose as there are still a few nations that do not want it).

    As I see it, why should the draftees pay twice for it? They are already victims that they have to fight a war FOR communism. They do not want this war, but they are forced into it. Why then, should they receive any additional blame for it? Just so they can suffer more guilt, so more jokehovian curses can be put on them?

  • waton

    The duplicity of wt is seen in requiring a "personal decision" to abstain from military service so as to absolve the organization as being branded as seditious, (never disfellowshipping a recruit, but announce to have disassociated himself). At the same time claiming that a draftee is on the roster of the ministers in the religion ( swlling the pioneer ranks to prove it,

    Felling with you Terry. and with those that gave their lives in your situation.

  • Terry

    The ultimate "price" of being a Jehovah's Witness in good standing is the evaporation
    of opportunity.
    Meaning what?
    When you are young and have your life ahead of you, so many opportunities are there for
    education, friends, career, financial stability and building the actual future (rather than the make-believe).
    Watchtower religion is Bernie Madoff taking all that and "investing"on your behalf.
    All those friends aren't friends.
    All those promises are illusory fluff.
    I'd love to at least look back and think I was brave but instead I'm like like the guys who fought to take a hill
    which was later given back to the enemy by politicians.

    I was a sucker and a dupe. Nothing heroic at all.
    Seeing 20 years as a stupid investment hurts.
    Being a useful idiot is not much of a legacy.

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