Who can I contact to have an old forum post removed?

by tsunami_rid3r 8 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • tsunami_rid3r

    I'm not able to find a list of moderators. From browsing the Forum News & Announcements section, it appeared to me that the user, Simon, is either the Admin of this website or a forum moderator.

    I sent Simon a message 2 days ago and did not receive a response and the forum post in question has not been removed. Then I sent Simon another message 8 hours ago and did not receive a response and the forum post in question has not been removed.

    Who else can I contact to have an old embarrassing 11 year old forum post removed?

  • blondie

    He has a family, a job, and a life. Perhaps his schedule is very busy right now. If your post is 11 years old, it has sunk to the bottom of the postings and few old or new posters dig that deep if at all. He probably figured it was safe for now because you sent him a private message. Now every curious poster, old or new, will be hunting for it to see what is so bad about it.

    Blondie (been posting here 15 years)

  • Simon

    As Blondie has already pointed out, I do have a life and often need to prioritize things. Removing something that has been on the internet for 11+ years could hardly be considered pressingly urgent so I haven't got to it yet.

    I'm also less inclined to move fast if I'm badgered because, well, I'm just like that. Patience is a virtue.

  • steve2

    Who else can I contact to have an old embarrassing 11 year old forum post removed?

    tsunami_rid3r, you sent Simon a message just 2 days ago and he has not responded and you followed it up 8 hours ago repeating your request. Hmmmm, if I were a moderator, I would find your inquiry very annoying.

    Did you know in legal circles when you make a request to have an electronic comment corrected or removed from an official record, the minimum time line is 20 working days (excludes weekends). More often than not, the request is declined and the most that will be done is the applicant can have a corrective comment note attached stating what the issue is.

    In less formal circles, there is no automatic "right" to have something you yourself posted removed and certainly, feeling embarrassed about it is way down the list of justifiable grounds. Of course, the matter is different if another person has divulged personal or private information about you and you want it removed - but that clearly is not the issues here.

  • stuckinarut2

    I have realised that our presence here is a privilege, and that the history of our posts shows the journey we have travelled.

    Yes, some things from the past might be embarrassing or no longer in line with how we feel now, but that reflects the journey of life....At one point I also was keen to have my history here wiped...until I realised that was not really possible. Embrace your past. It makes you who you are today.

    As Blondie said, the reality is, no one would even notice such an old post....until you now bring attention to it.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    Post has been removed. Thanks Simon!

  • stillin

    I wish it was that easy to actually change how stupid I used to be!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Simon, for all you've done for us, while living your own life with lovely Angharad!

    You were very good when I panicked (in the recent past) upon seeing my real name in a post! Not that it would matter much at this point in my life. Still, you answered the call!

    Well, I've come a long way -- I posted photos on Flipper's thread.

    BTW, in an early post of mine, I was a little unhinged and Ian suggested I get psychiatric help. I'm not asking to have that changed . . .

    He was right.

    Best Wishes . . .

  • A Ha
    A Ha
    I'm also less inclined to move fast if I'm badgered because, well, I'm just like that. Patience is a virtue.

    Besides, now that tsunami has posted this, the rest of us needed time to go through 11 years of his posts to find the embarrassing one.

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