Dog passes owner's alcohol test

by Elsewhere 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    West Highland white terrier

    Dog passes owner's alcohol test

    A German man has lost his driving licence after failing an alcohol test - but his dog passed the test with flying colours.

    Police in the western city of Koblenz stopped the 47-year-old man and asked him to perform some tests to see if he was driving while drunk.

    The man failed all of the tests but his West Highland white terrier carried out all of the commands perfectly.

    "The dog did very well indeed," an official at the Koblenz police department told BBC News Online.

    "The man was unable to perform various tasks - such as touching his nose repeatedly, walking up and down in a straight line and doing a 360 degree turn. He fell over as he was doing this.

    "The dog, however, carried out all the tests perfectly, with the exception of the nose-touching exercise, which he did not take part in.

    "His 360 degree turn was excellent."

    At the conclusion of the uneven contest, the supervising doctor announced, "Man: fail; dog: pass."

  • Maverick

    Great Story! Maverick

  • datsdethspicable

    AAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!! sounds like my schnauzer(spelling)

  • Satanus

    Then the dog started his owners car and drove home w the sad news ;)


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