What grinds my gears most about being part of a high control religion!

by UnshackleTheChains 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • UnshackleTheChains

    The one thing that annoys me most about being a jdub is the control Watchtower has over everyone.

    For a start, there is absolutely no liberty in Christ. There is no freedom to openly express your own thoughts on scripture. There is the continuous brainwashing by means of Watchtower material. The constant control over every individual worldwide by seven deluded individuals living in the united states of America.

    The fact that no one speaks out when some whacko answers up saying 'we must shun our own family members if they are disfellowshipped'. 👎

    What annoys me most of all is that I actually like everyone at my hall. I don't have anything against them. Yet if I chose to simply relinquish my membership of the Watchtower Bible and tract Society, these same people would treat me like I had the plague! That's what grinds my gears the most!

  • JakeM2012

    Great point. Look into the windshield, not into the rearview mirror. Make new friends.

  • faithnomore

    Only people allowed to do this is the governing body when they discuss "new light". Some of the changes they have made would be a df matter to the rest of us! UGG

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Fear of reprisal for expressing your thoughts.

    That's what grinds my gears.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Only people allowed to do this is the governing body when they discuss "new light". Some of the changes they have made would be a df matter to the rest of us! UGG

    And then they say stuff like, 'We're just following the lead of Jesus, holding on to the chariot.' Oh, get real. They take everyone for idiots when they act like they aren't responsible for their own decisions. Are they inspired or aren't they? You can't have it both ways!

  • scratchme1010
    The fact that no one speaks out when some whacko answers up saying 'we must shun our own family members if they are disfellowshipped'.

    They are brainwashed, so they will believe (or pretend to and go along with it anyway) what they are told to believe.

  • pale.emperor

    As far as im concerned, the moment they introduce any "new light", they've basically just invented a new religion. What if one called out the GB on charges of apostasy like they would on us we stuck to what we were told by them previously? The religion i was baptized into is not the same religion that i was disfellowshipped from.

    I was thinking only this morning that JWs boast about "every congregation having the same talk on the same day etc" and claiming this is a sign of unity. But actually, it's a sign of a controlling organization cult. What? Dont they trust their own elders to give their own bible based talks? Where's the talks that a written specifically with a member of the congregation in mind to help them through their difficult time?

  • ttdtt
    What annoys me most of all is that I actually like everyone at my hall.

    Let me ask you this though, if it wasn't for the forced closeness of the KH, would you have chosen them as your friends?

    I liked everyone at my hall, but when I learned TTATT, I did not feel a loss at not seeing them.
    It was very obvious the vast majority of the friendships were completely superficial and not real friendships.

    Then I realized, If I had met them in other areas of life, I would not have chosen them as friends.

  • punkofnice

    this was one of the things that helped me escape that vile cult, was the constant praise of the governing body.

    For a religion that claims not to praise men, they sure broke that rule for those G.O.D's.â„¢ in America. It hacked me right off. I grew to despise those fat gluttonous pigs with the faces like dropped pies......to such an extent I nearly had rectal piles just thinking about them.

  • Apostate Anonymous
    Apostate Anonymous

    A few years ago, my Mom was telling me about an assembly her and my father were at where the GB was there for a release of a new publication. She told me that when the GB brought the book out, people starting getting all emotional and crying. It struck me as weird and I haven't been able to forget about it. It really shows the level of control the GB really has over the organization.

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