Why does the Borg never use the terms Grace or Ezer

by HiddenPimo 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HiddenPimo

    Let me start with: This is not a discussion of the validity of the Bible or whether it is inspired of God.

    My question is why do you think they don't use Grace in their teachings when this is such paramount teaching in the rest of the Christian world.

    And why do they not reference the Hebrew word for Helper in Genesis 'Ezer'. This word as applied to a woman seems more dignified as it carries the connotation of strength where the man is weak.

    What ever your belief system, these 2 words would actually make their teachings more appealing and give more respect to the woman.

  • cofty

    It's a really good question.

    Grace disappears when Jesus' sacrifice is transformed from vicarious punishment to a legal transaction.

    For most Christians - and for Russell - Jesus died for our sins. For Rutherford he died in order to purchase the value of Adam's perfect life.

    There is no room for grace when all a JW has is a clean slate at baptism and then has to begin earning their own salvation by obedience to an organisation.

  • truth_b_known

    Cofty summed it up well.

    Grace is a Biblical/New Testament concept. Jesus died to cover the sins of mankind. According to the Watchtower, this is not so.

  • Vidiot

    If Christendom says “zig”, the WTS zags.

  • JoenB75
    Grace in Christianity is given to those in Christ. I remember my mother often asked "what does not God require of man/us". She had no concept of God loving us because of we are in Christ and covered by his blood. If not, God does not love us and indeed the old testament hightlights that with its many judgments. Evangelicals know that but it is very weak point in JWism. They merely speak of our obvious inherited imperfection.
  • Earnest

    There was an article in a 1995 Watchtower - The Dignified Role of Women Among God’s Early Servants - where it said (para 5) :

    Do the words “helper” and “complement” indicate that the woman’s God-assigned role was demeaning? On the contrary. Bible writers often apply to God the Hebrew noun (ʽeʹzer) rendered “helper.” For instance, Jehovah proves to be “our helper and our shield.” (Psalm 33:20; Exodus 18:4; D|euteronomy 33:7) At Hosea 13:9, Jehovah even refers to himself as Israel’s “helper.” As for the Hebrew word (neʹghedh) rendered “complement,” one Bible scholar [Gordon John Wenham] explains: “The help looked for is not just assistance in his daily work or in the procreation of children [though these aspects may be included,] but the mutual support companionship provides.”

  • carla

    Imagine if jw's found out that their sins were already atoned for by Christ' work on the cross and there was no need to ride the coattails of the gb or the anointed? that would be the end of the jw's as we know it. (from a mainstream Christianity point of view)

  • LongHairGal


    I was raised Catholic so I am familiar with the term ‘grace’.

    The reason I believe the JW religion doesn’t mention anything like this is because in Catholicism you don’t have to DO anything to get grace. Whereas the Witness religion is a religion that wants to see an outward show of works.

    They wouldn’t want a JW to just sit there and do nothing and feel they should get grace. They want their flock to feel unworthy and that whatever they do is never enough.

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