Environmentalist changes mind on apocalyptic global warming

by wolverines 4 Replies latest social current

  • wolverines

    So he comes out of the movement and says this has become much less about environmentalism and more about trying to turn the world to Marxism. We have seen this in the BLM, ANTIFA and other so called movements that are a thin mask for the real goal. And we know Marxism has killed more people then the plague.


  • cofty

    Thanks for the link

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I heard we can STOP climate change by reducing emissions by 100%. Honest to god, on NPR and said without any giggles.

  • matt

    try this example of data tampering, done to prop up the climate change agenda.


  • truth_b_known

    If all carbon producing practices were immediately halted it would be a drop in the bucket in regards to greenhouse gas emissions. 51% of greenhouse gases are produced by the animal agriculture industry. 91% of rain forest deforestation is directly related to the animal agriculture industry.

    Cars and coal burning power plants pale in comparison to the pollution cause by meat and dairy farms. If you think it would be hard to get people to trade in their car for a bicycle, try asking people to trade their cheeseburger for a salad.

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