Looking for host family

by Catlover 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Catlover

    Hi. My parents are Jw and I'm study.

    I'm about to find a host family in Europe and experience to live with there as an Aupair. If i have a chance to find a Jw host family it's will be great and helped me to grow more knowledge and be a jw soon.

    If you've know someone a sister/brother need a helper or a nanny or a caregiver. I'm willing to help you. Just help me to stay and live with you as a family.

    I wish i have a chance to find a opportunity here.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Hello Catlover, I think JWs are not the sort of people who have an au pair but try your luck anyway!

    This is a site where people have awoken to the cultic nature of the JW religion, so you might try another group of JWs who are still asleep.

    Wishing you well.

  • Giordano

    Hi Catlover,

    You have landed on an ex JW web site that pertains to this religion. It would be better if you reexamined the beliefs and Organization of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society before committing yourself to it's authority.

    As an Aupair I am sure you would not want to associate with child sexual abusers. Google Jehovah's Witnesses Pedophile problem and find out for your self.

    jwfacts.com is an excellent place to check out as they only quote from the Watchtower's words.

    The 'friends' will deny there is a problem. But the broken lives and law suits tell a different story.

  • Betheliesalot


    This is an explanation from a "brother" as to why you should avoid this site. Now watch and decide using your own mind if you are reaching out.

  • Catlover

    Hi ! Thanks for the information and suggestions. I was doing this because i have no choice. I can't find any host family, they're always rejected me and hopes me up. That's why i do this way even tho I don't really want to. Tho if someone's jw here, i could attracted them by using that I'm a "study" or a daughter of jw, well yes my parents is really jw and they still didn't stopped me to pressure. Thanks for helping me to realize my uncontrol decision with all respected and still good manner of your words.

    I'm ex-study of this organization and already an atheist. I already realized it since i was in college. I really understand what y'll mean

    And about the video, I've been cracked by throwing of those words "guilt, obligation, etc." That's ugh hate it my whole life

    I will never ask again to be pressured and choked with religion(organization) family.

  • Giordano

    Catlover you successfully trolled us!

    And I'll bet that a number of us got a laugh hearing you were out.

    Perhaps your search for living and housing should focus on a different career choice.


  • fastJehu

    @ catlover

    As I am a single older man, I cannot offer you an au-pair job. My two cats are taken care of by my neighbour when I am on the road.

    Here is a facebook page where you can get in contact with German au-pair agencies:


    If Germany is your preferred country, I can help you with any questions you may have.

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