Mother sentenced for abusing 6-year-old son

by ashitaka 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    This blows my f-ing could people do this??? She brought a grown man to tears, a Judge no less.

    The last line of the article gets to me.....this woman is one sick peice of shit.


  • StinkyPantz
    "I am apologizing to my kids," the woman said. "I need them to know I love them."

    Right. . . .

    I hate stuff like this. . .

    Ash, you have a PM.

  • Gopher

    She has MORE than one child? I think I'm going to lose my breakfast.

    And where the hell is the father in this whole mess? Or maybe I should ask, where are the fathers?

    Once this abuser is in prison, I think the other inmates will ensure that she gets what's coming to her.

    (Edited to remove the word "lady" and insert the word "abuser".)

  • leslane

    sounds a lot like that story called "a boy named it". and what I don't get about it is that she was saying that she apologizes for doing it and is trying to show her kids she loves them. first, you can't just apologize for something like that and how the hell is she showing her kids she loves them.

  • obiwan

    "I am apologizing to my kids," the woman said. "I need them to know I love them."

    With that kind of "love", who needs hate. Give me five minutes with that lady, I'll show her that I love her as well!

  • Scully
    "I am apologizing to my kids," the woman said. "I need them to know I love them."

    That sounds like something her defense attorney coached her to say. Her actions say way more than her words ever could.

    Love, Scully

  • ashitaka
    Her actions say way more than her words ever could.


    She mummified her child with duct tape and left a hole open for the mouth.....that is worse than any horror movie I've seen. This poor kid will be haunted for the rest of his life from this.


  • Elsewhere
    "I am apologizing to my kids," the woman said. "I need them to know I love them."

    Actions speak louder than words Be'otch.

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